For me, i am struck firstly by the first half of the first sentence! Does anyone have joy in trials? During the testing times every fibre of our being desires to be empathised with, to cry, shout, moan, hide or rage about it when things are not going well. But during those trials, are there also good things happening to? are there things that are wonderful and that can give us joy?
And why would we want to consider difficult times with joy?
Consider this; what does reacting by; crying, shouting, moaning, hiding or raging do for us?
My experience is that it can build; anger, resentment, worry or distress. These things can lead to strain on relationships and health -mental & physical. So responding like this doesn't do us a whole lot of good.
Maybe a different response would.
If we have hopes and dreams dashed, go through times of debt, depression or despair what would it be like if we were able to smile?
If we have hopes and dreams dashed, go through times of debt, depression or despair what would it be like if we were able to smile?
How can we look at these times with joy?
I don't know about you, but I have found that I always learn something through the tough times, more than I do through the 'ok' times. Now, I try to concentrate on what it may be that I am learning, rather than feeling sorry for myself. It's by no means easy, I am a work in progress, but I am going to try a different response so hopefully they'll be a different outcome.
Joy in trials? Let's give it a go!