Who would like some peace and tranquility?
In this crazy, chaotic world these attributes are often hard to find. We get so busy and can become agitated by deadlines, the 'should do's' of life not to mention tension of relationships, job and economic stability, and then there's global warming and the environment to consider too.
No wonder we find peace hard to come by!
Isaiah 32:17
the effect of righteousness will be peace,
and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.
The verse above seems to say to that; peace, quiet and trust are available. They are linked here to, 'righteousness'.
So, what is this righteousness?
The dictionary defines it as, 'the quality of being morally right or justifiable'. This means that within ourselves we are right. Not just that, but we have been made right inside, our actions have been accounted for (justified).
I am sure we all have that sense within ourselves sometimes that lets us know that we aren't quite right really. I do. We have done things and maybe said things that are not, 'morally right' and no matter how hard we try, we do not find them, 'justifiable'.
In short, we've made mistakes and screwed up.
There are certainly actions that I have taken that I regret, and am even ashamed of. So, am I justified?
I believe I am and I can be, I believe that all the junk in my life, the stuff I do wrong can be changed, and got rid of.
I believe in Jesus.
The Bible makes clear that the mess in our lives can be got rid of by trusting and believing in Jesus. Our wrongs do require a punishment, they need 'justifying'.
Jesus is the only one who can show and prove that we are made 'right' because he's taken our punishment. We get a new chance to make the slate clean, we get a new chance to give up our screw ups because Jesus has already been punished for it.
Therefore we have access to not only righteousness, but peace, even: 'the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding' (Phillipians 5).
We will still continue to live in this crazy, chaotic world, and we will screw up, but inwardly we can know peace.
I have experienced this myself on several occasions, and it it such a blessing, such a gift! We were once in the situation where we could not afford to feed, clothe and house ourselves as our earnings were not sufficient. Yet, we did not pore over our finances night after night, or fall into despair. We did what we could, we were not lazy or idle in the difficulty, we got on with the life we had.
Others were surprised that I was not stressing out, working myself to the bone or ill. I can only explain that I had the 'quietness and trust' or the, 'the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding' that these verses mention.
Amazingly there was a job change after a few months of this financial insecurity and it took years to pay off the accumulated debts from this period, but we made it! Thanks be to God. I will never forget that peace and quietness within, that I know made a difference to how we managed.
I am not powerful enough to change situations, to make endless amounts of money or resolve all of the chaos in the world. It does not mean that I won't on occasion get scared or worried, or feel drained by life. However I know someone who I can trust, who can make a difference and who is with me.
This person is God.
That is where I put my hope and trust for a better future.
Life continues to be a chaotic mess, but I am placing my hope not in others or worldly institutes as they will fail.
My hope is in the one who is eternal, everlasting, good and powerful.