Wednesday, 27 December 2017

What's your legacy?

What's your legacy? 
What are you known for? 
How would people describe you?

When you answer those questions, are you satisfied with the responses? Is this how you want to be known? 

This week I came across this verse in Acts:
'for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith.' (11:24)

Now that is a way to be known! 

I wish people would say that about me - People don't, I wish they would. 
So, why am I not known to be like that? Probably because I don't show it. If I want to be known as good, full of the Spirit and faith, then I need to live it. I need to be aware of what I'm demonstrating every day, and to make bold choices to live how I want to be known.

How do you want to be known? 
Start living the legacy you want to leave. 

Tuesday, 19 December 2017


Acts 9:10-18
there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.” 11 And the Lord said to him, “Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying, 12 and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.” 13 But Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done to your saints at Jerusalem. 14 And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on your name.” 15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine to carry my name before the Gentiles and kings and the children of Israel. 16 For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.” 17 So Ananias departed and entered the house. And laying his hands on him he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized; 

I love this little story about Ananais. I am struck by his obedience. He is obedient even in the face of mortal danger. He knows of Saul. The infamous Saul who has authority to throw Christians in prison, torture them or even have them killed. This is the man Ananais is told to go to. 
I'm not surprised he questions God about it! It's like he's saying - "I've heard of this guy - he could kill me"! God doesn't soothe any fears Ananais may have, He just tells him to go. God explains who Saul is going to be, not who he is now. That's one of the amazing things about God, He sees our potential, he doesn't see what we are stuck in or how awful we believe we are, he sees who we are going to become. 

Anyway, back to Ananais. He's clearly spending time with God, having a vision, experiencing the Holy Spirit. He is a Christian, who, even if he is scared of the persecution going on, is still living life with God, praying, spending time with Him regardless. Now, he's had this vision. God has commissioned him with an important task. One which could go wrong, horribly wrong, but Ananais doesn't falter. When God tells him to go, he goes. What beautiful trust in God Ananais has. He knows Saul's reputation, but he doesn't hold back, because God's reputation is better. Ananais shows great trust and confidence in God, he goes and does what God has told him to.
Ananais goes off to meet up with the tormentor and murderer of God's people. 
Then, when he meets him, he calls him 'brother'! Wow! That bit shocks me. This man of God goes up to someone who is the enemy of God's people and calls him brother! Ananais has no more proof that anything has changed in Saul other than what God has said. What God has said is enough. Ananais doesn't go with prejudice, with pre-formed ideas of who he's going to meet or what is going to happen. It seems Ananais is completely aware of the transforming work God is capable of. He accepts that this man who has been responsible for the capture, torture, and death of other Christians, possibly even friends or family, can be transformed. Ananais obeys God above any fear, but not only that, he accepts Saul as family. Ananais firm faith means that he understands how lives can be transformed. He prays for Saul, Saul is healed, and then he baptises him. What an incredible transformation in a matter of moments! 

Would this of happened if Ananais hadn't been obedient, accepting, unprejudiced? If Ananais went thinking there's no way God could change THIS man, would this chain of events happened? 

We all have preconceived ideas about situations and people, but let's be like Ananais. Let's trust God in any situation, even the scary ones, that He can change outcomes and expectations. God is incredibly surprising and no-one is out of his reach, so let us be obedient and trust that God knows what he's doing - who knows who's lives could be changed through us?!

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Sin is serious

If you read Acts 5, you'll come across the story of Ananais and Sapphira. 
Basically, they sell some land to give money to God's work. However, they say that they are going to give all of it, pretend they have then they die. On the spot. 
Every time I've read this, I thought that it seems pretty harsh. Yeah, they didn't quite tell the truth, but they die because of it - why were Ananais and Sapphira so severely punished?

Verse 3 gives us a clue as Peter asks, 'why has Satan filled your heart to lie?'. 
The issue isn't about money. It's about the condition if their heart. This couple hadn't been asked to give anything, what they did was voluntary. What they intended to do - give money - was a good motive, so what went wrong? 
Ananais and Sapphira had agreed to lie. They agreed together that they would say they'd given everything when they hadn't. They could of said they were giving some of the money, but they didn't, they pretended to give all of it. It's like they wanted others to look on them as sacrificial, generous all-out-for-God people. They decided they were going to keep a certain amount for themselves, which really is fair enough - it's their stuff anyway. However, it's the deliberate deception that is the problem. Peter says Satan had filled their heart. It's not a small matter, they had decided to look good in front of man, little considering what that would look like in God's eyes. 

Peter called out the sin as they brought their gift. God had given him knowledge of their deception, and he called it out. If he hadn't then it could of enticed others to do the same - to deceive each other. Peter was concerned that satan had influenced their hearts and that cannot be allowed in a community of God-fearing people. It's a serious business. Serious enough to die by God's standard.

This couple chose to lie to God and man, and they were punished for it. 
It must of been a terrifying lesson for all the believers. I mean, I know that I have lied at times, I have not been 100% truthful, and I thank God I'm still alive! If anything this story serves to show us sin is serious. If we allow it to grab hold of us then we are no better off than these two. Even if we don't die on the spot, sin, deception, wilful wrongdoing cause separation between us, others and God. This is the serious truth. 

Next time Satan tempts you to allow him to rule your heart, think about Ananais and Sapphira. It didn't end well for them, it went for you either. 

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Everyday miracles

To know if you've ever experienced a miracle, you need to know what one is, so, what is a miracle? It is; 'an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.'

So, have you ever seen one of those? 

I have. I am certain you have too. I have seen a leg grow right in front of my very eyes, I have seen a woman who's neck pain has disappeared. I have also seen trees grow, and babies develop. 
You may think it strange that I include those last two in the list. Why? 
They are everyday miracles that we just take for granted. They are indeed miracles, unexplainable events that no natural laws or scientific revelations can thoroughly explain.

Lets think about a plant. Science tells us the steps required for a seed to transform into a plant. It tells us that there are certain conditions which a seed requires in order to grow, science shows us the steps of change it goes through. However, it doesn't tell us why or how. 
Why not? Because science can't explain it! It's 'an extraordinary and unexplainable event'! Thinking about the seed, how does it become a plant? Is the resultant plant squashed up, compressed inside that seed? So that it's like one of those expandable flannels that you just add water to and they grow? Well, that can't be, a seed is too small in comparison with the fully grown plant. Plus if you dissect the seed you don't see a mini version of the plant inside it.
Yet, when you place the seed in the ground, it has sufficient water, warmth and sunlight, then the seed completely transforms. 
It changes irreversibly, you cannot reverse the process and squish it all back into the seed. The seed no longer exists, but transforms into something completely different. Isn't that incredible?!
How? Again there are no explanations for how, just that it happens . It happens and we accept it, yet it is an unexplainable, extraordinary event, a miracle that this occurs.

Next, we could consider the mind blowing reality that two single cells meet, multiply and become a human being. Most of us know something of the process, but HOW does it happen? We may know the stages of development, we accept that the cells multiply and become each part of a baby, but how on Earth do two cells become a living organism? That surely is, 'an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws'. It blows my mind that two cells become a living breathing creature that has organs, limbs and a mind of its own. Science tells and shows us the step by step process that occurs, but I have never heard how or why those cells transform in the way they do. The cells transform completely from their previous state into something incredibly different, just like the seed. 

How incredible is the world around us. The growing of a seed, the growing of a baby are fundamentally unexplainable. We know these things happen, but we have no idea how they happen, we just accept that they do. If we cannot explain them naturally then surely there must be a divine agency at work!