I've been reading about Apollos, Aquila and Priscilla in Acts 18 and I am struck by their relationship.
Apollos was an 'eloquent' man, 'competent in the scriptures', he had, 'been instructed in the way of the Lord' and 'spoke boldly'. He was a confident, knowledgeable preacher. That's what you want in a preacher right? Someone who knows what they are talking about and who is confident in it?
Yet, he was missing something. Aquila and Priscilla heard him speak, and realised he hadn't quite got a full grasp of, 'the way of God'. It was obvious to them through listening to him that he'd not quite understood all of what following God meant. So, what did they do? Did they heckle him, publicly correct him, tell other people of his error? No, they, 'took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately'. They showed respect and kindness, they didn't shout him down or publicly shame him, even though some of what he was saying wasn't quite right. Instead they recognised that this man, Apollos, had a lot going for him. They saw his potential, and they directed him to understand God better. How loving is that. They took time and effort so that Apollos would have a greater ministry than before, and so that he more fully understood what he was preaching.
On the other side, we have Apollos. Apollos allowed Aquila and Priscilla to instruct him, to teach him. The powerful preacher humbled himself, he was teachable.
I admire these three, because they show a depth of relationship, a kinship, that we often miss.
They watched out for each other, in a loving, caring, non-judgemental way. They were not afraid to point out errors or misunderstanding, in fact they faced them. They all responded so well to each other.
This is something I need to learn. I hate being told I'm wrong. I hate it. I don't respond well to someone pointing out when I've not got something right (even though half the time I probably know they're right). I hate it because I feel judged. I feel like I'm not good enough and I feel a failure and I feel rejected.
So I'm asking myself, how do I respond like Apollos?
I don't have the answer, I'm just asking the question.
I know I need to grow through this. I want to be confident enough in myself to accept that it's ok to not be right 100% of the time.
It takes great strength to be able to accept correction. Maybe I'm not that strong despite how I might appear.
Please God,
Help me to be more like Apollos, less like myself. Help me to accept the Aquillas and Priscillas in my life to guide me where I need it. Help me to not be brittle or defensive, but to be strong enough to admit that I'm not always right, that I do have more to learn and I need people to help me.