Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Samuel grew

1 Samuel 3:19 
'Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground'

There are three aspects to this verse;
Samuel grew - he matured, got bigger, stronger and taller. His presence was becoming more visible, but he had to go through a process. He had to wait, he had to rely on God, he had to live in obscurity before he had of his grown up enough. He was growing up both physically and spiritually. He and other influences around him, some good, some not, but he had the choice to decide how he grew up. He chose to follow God. 
As you grow and mature as a person, what is influencing you?what are you growing up into? Are you feeling like you're in obscurity right now? If so, that's ok, you've got the opportunity to grow, to learn some things, to become stronger.

The Lord was with him - God was with Samuel, to me this sounds like he was at his side. Is He at yours too? Have you chosen to walk with him in your daily life? Are you aware of God's presence - his support, comfort, strength, protection? Do you know He is with you always? He's got your back if you choose to believe in Him. 

None of his words fall to the ground - every word Samuel spoke came to be. He spoke truth. His word could be trusted. Is that something you're known for? What would come to pass if every word you spoke happened? Would that be a good thing? Words are powerful, they can change lives, they can build up people or tear them down. There is power in your words, how are you using them, in public or in private?

I think the secret of Samuel's later success is in this verse. He allowed himself to grow. God was with him, and he was a man of his word. If you want to aim for something better then do the same; grow up, know God is with you and watch your words. 

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Have you heard God speak recently?

1 Samuel 3:1 (ESV):  'Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision.'

I thank God we don't live in those days!

I try to imagine what that may be like, to not experience God speaking. To have no one with a prophetic word, picture, message in tongues, dream or vision, and I struggle. 
What would life be like? What would faith be like? 
If we didn't hear God speak then can you imagine what a barren place we would be in? What would your everyday look like? What would going to church be like? What would your faith look like?

I thank God that we can hear his voice in these days. Not just as one offs, but often. We are privileged. We have access to the voice of the creator, we can; dream dreams, have visions, pictures, receive His heart, hear His audible voice, see Him speaking through scripture or preaching and know things through the Spirit. That's just a few ways I know God speaks off the top of my head, you may of heard His voice in a different way. 

Not only that, but we have such an abundance of access to God. We can hear Him speak; in church, in the car, whilst we are running, shopping, at work, in the shower and even when we are asleep! There is no excuse not to be open to the amazing personal message God has for each of us. 

If you haven't heard from God for a while, if you haven't heard Him speak - have you spent time with Him? Have you spent time with people who believe in Him? Have you been to church? 
If you're struggling to hear God right now, pray. Ask others to pray for and with you, and turn up to where christians are gathered, go to church. God does and will speak, are you ready to hear Him? 

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Yet I will rejoice

Habbakuk 3:17-19
Though the fig tree should not blossom, 
nor fruit be on the vines, 
  the produce of the olive fail 
and the fields yield no food, 
  the flock be cut off from the fold 
and there be no herd in the stalls, 
 18  yet I will rejoice in the Lord; 
I will take joy in the God of my salvation. 
 19  God, the Lord, is my strength; 
he makes my feet like the deer’s; 
he makes me tread on my high places

'yet I will rejoice'. Despite the difficult circumstances, Habbakuk decided to rejoice. Even if he has no food, no work, he chooses to rejoice. How? How can he rejoice if his circumstances are bad? What has he got to rejoice about - God! Habbakuk rejoices in the person of God, not the circumstances he expects or experiences. Why? Because God's character never changes even though the world around us does. 

To set these verses in context, Habbakuk had been told of a certain invasion, and of the invaders eventually themselves being punished. So, he resolved to wait. To wait for the judgement that was coming, and he set his mind on who God is. 
Do you know tricky times are coming? What are you resolving yourself to focus on? The outcome? The process? Or God's character? You can ride a storm successfully when you are in a stable ship. God knows the winds and waves are coming, he can help you ride them in safety. 

You have a choice to make, your way or God's way?
Habbakuk resolved not just to trust in God in the ensuing difficulties,  he decided to REJOICE in them. He decided to recognise the fullness of goodness that is in God, even when his stomach is empty, the fields and trees are bare. Even when surrounded by barrenness Habbakuk resolved to rejoice in God. Would you? I know I pray, but do I rejoice in who God is when times are tough? 
I imagine rejoicing in God through the trouble would give a new perspective, and acknowledgement of goodness even in trial and would bring hope for a better future. 

We can live triumphant lives when we base our lives in God. Habbakuk knew, as we should, that the ultimate victory belongs to God. He is the victor, he is triumphant, Jesus work on the cross was the ultimate smack in the face of sin and death. We are on God's team, we have the victory in our grasp. So, don't let everyday circumstances overwhelm you, look to; 'God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength'

Habbakuk has; 'joy in the God of my salvation.' We also can enjoy that. We know, maybe even better than Habbakuk did that God is truly our saviour, how much more reason do we have to rejoice even when cupboards and bank account are bare.