Last week we were on a camping holiday, and one night I was outside and noticed the amazing night sky. The amount of stars was incredible. Have you ever been somewhere where the night sky is so visible and beautiful, and it seems the amount of stars are innumerable?
It's a stunning sight and took my breath away a bit. A collection of stars is stunning, but the night sky is made up of each individual star, and each star is in fact a sun. Every star has powerful heat and light like our sun, they are just so far away that they seem tiny pinpricks of light. Don't you think that's amazing?
Every star is a bright burning ball of light. I have no idea how many stars there are, I'm no astronomer, but they beauty of the night sky amazes me. The fact that these stunning stars are actually suns boggles my mind.
Then I remember, 'By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth' (Psalm 33:6).
How incredible is that?
The multitude of stars that we see were created by the breath of God. The complexity and beauty of the night sky were made in a moment.
God is so powerful and creative that even his breath makes things! We breathe and our bodies keep going, God breathes and things are created! In the book of Genesis we can read about the creation of this world. God not only made the stars, but He spoke all things into being! His word, his breath can create the universe, isn't that incredible?!
'When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?'
Psalm 8:3-4