Thursday, 27 December 2018

Why would builders reject a stone?

Basically, because it's not fit for purpose. It may be tarnished, discoloured, have a fault, holes or cracks in it. If this is the case then the integrity of the stone will be under question. The stability of a building depends on the structure of each individual stone. Therefore each stone would be inspected to determine if it's fit for purpose. If there were any question about it, then the stone would be rejected as no-one wants houses falling down on their heads! 
The stability of a building depends on the stability of each stone. Each stone has to be free from blemish, strong and undamaged. All others are rejected, so when we read:

The stone that the builders rejected 
has become the cornerstone,
1 Peter 2:7 (ESV)

This seems unbelievable. Why would a rejected stone which is not deemed fit for purpose by the experts become the cornerstone? How does a rejected stone become the first stone of primary importance - the cornerstone? 

It's not just that the rejected stone was of use, but it became of primary use. The rejected one became the cornerstone - the stone which all other stones are lined up against. The base stone which determines the structural soundness of the whole building itself. If the cornerstone is faulty, the likelihood is that the whole building will collapse. 
It sounds ludicrous, yet that's exactly what happened!

I know that Peter is using an analogy; The stone that the builders rejected signifies that Jesus was rejected by the religious experts. 
He was not fit for their purpose. He did not line up with the vision of what they wanted to build. He didn't fit. 
So, what happened? 
Jesus became a new standard. He became the first stone in a new building. He was the perfect cornerstone for a new regime, a new way of building life which we can all align with. When we align ourselves with Him we become part of something greater and stronger than ourselves. We are built into a something solid that will stand the test of time.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Where do you put your trust?

All flesh is like grass 
and all its glory like the flower of grass. 
The grass withers, 
and the flower falls, 
 25  but the word of the Lord remains forever.” 
1 Peter 1:24–25 and Isaiah 40:6-8 (ESV)

These verses cause me to consider what do we trust in? - the flesh, the word of the Lord or something else?

Let's take the first sentence, 'All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.' When this speaks about flesh, it doesn't doesn't mean the skin, fat and tissues that make up our flesh, but it means us as humans. Us humans are mere flesh, and in comparison to other things, we are pretty transient - average life expectancy, about 80years. So, we are not round very long really. We are like grass. We grow, bring a bit of beauty, glory even, we live for a bit then we die. 

Maybe not the cheeriest thought you've had today! 
But it's the truth, and it's good to remind ourselves that we are temporal. If we are temporary, then so are the other people around us, so is this whole world in fact. One day it will all cease to exist. So,I just wanted you to consider - what are you putting your trust in? Maybe it's trust in your spouse that your marriage will work out, trust in the university that you/your children will achieve well, trust in your boss that they will treat you well, that your car will start this morning, or trust in traditions or your heritage that will keep you safe. None of these things are necessarily bad, but they are all subject to change. They will at some point let you down. Maybe in small things, maybe on a larger scale, but at some point these things will fail, like the grass, their glory will fade - then where will you be? 

I want you to consider, on a daily basis - where is your trust? What do you put your hopes and trust in? What things do you have your confidence in? If they are things of flesh - humans or human made, or even the nature then one day these things will fail you because one day they will expire. Yet, there is hope friends, 'but the word of the Lord remains forever.”' There is something that will not let you down, there is some thing that will not end, there is an everlasting hope and that is found in Jesus. The Word of God and the words of God will still remain when all else falls apart, when other things die, God remains, and his word stays the same. He is the unchanging one who is eternal, this is what you can hope in and not be let down. God is not temporal like the flesh or grass. - He made them all so He transcends them all. He will be around when you feel alone, He will stand by you when you are troubled or in trouble. He will never let you down. He will stand forever. 

Thursday, 6 December 2018


Do you ever stop to think about angels?

I've been thinking about this as I've noticed that they pop up in the Bible from time to time. They can be messengers, like when Gabriel visited Mary to tell of her upcoming pregnancy. There are also angels who are warriors like in 2 Kings when Elisha and his servant see a blazing army. These are just a couple of examples that I know of, you may be able to recount more. 

I just wondered this week, if we really know anything about angels. They are not just nice images in paintings, fictional characters, or objects we put upon the Christmas tree. They in fact, are real live beings like you and I. 
Angels have; minds, strength and jobs to do, just like us. Yet they are not like us. They dwell with God, carry out His tasks, battle, send messages and they worship (don't we also do most of those things too?!). Yet angels are holy, set apart beings. They live with God, they are in heavenly places, they get to be in His presence on a regular basis - isn't that incredible?!

I've begun to read 1 Peter, in verse 12 it says how angels long to understand about salvation. They live with God, they abide in the heavenly realm, yet they don't fully understand the amazing unfolding of salvation. It's like it's too incredible even for those who are closest to God to understand. One version that I quite like (NLT) says, 'It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen.' Isn't that incredible? Even the Holy, heavenly beings are watching the playing out of salvation. They eagerly watched the life of Jesus and wondered how it'll all work out. I mean, they live with God and yet they don't know His master plan! So, how on Earth are we meant to fully understand it?! 

We live in the good of what Jesus has done, yet when I think about it I don't really understand how it all works out - how will this salvation we partly enjoy now, be fulfilled? What an incredible mystery, an awesome adventure, 'It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen'!