Thursday, 13 August 2020

Sin entangles. Jesus releases

 Leading on from the chapter of faith in Hebrews 11, we then have these verses;

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, *2*looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. *3*Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

Hebrews 12:1-3

What does the start of this chapter convey? To sum up, I think it says; As we can learn, read and hear about such amazing tales of faith from the Bible, and even from everyday, current people, since we have such a rich heritage of faith to draw from, and considering the sacrifice Jesus made, then do not sin. 

Do you ever consider sin in that light? When you’re about to do something you know you shouldn’t, or not do something you know you should, do you ever consider the rich heritage of faithful people that you are a part of? Do you pause to remember the sacrifice of Jesus before you act? 

I think if I really had those thoughts in my mind throughout the day, then I would be more aware of my wrongs and more aware of the responsibility I have, wouldn’t you? 

There are many people who have lived a life of faith before us, they have failed and they have triumphed. They didn’t allow their mistakes to define them, they kept trying their best, and that is what they are commended for, for being faith-filled people. Is that what you want to be remembered for? Are you intentionally putting aside sinful attitudes and focussing on faith? Are you encouraged by the ‘cloud of witnesses’ that surround you? And do you acknowledge that Jesus, the Son of God, ‘endured the cross, despising the shame’ so that you could live free from sin? 

Jesus did not deserve it, and he didn’t like it. He hated taking the punishment for you, but he still did it. So no matter how hard the battle is to escape the, ‘sin which clings so closely’, it’s nothing compared with what Jesus went through. 

So, do, ‘not grow weary or fainthearted.’ Look at the people of good repute, look at the everyday people whose stories have been told for thousands of years, and look at Jesus. He did not walk away from the most difficult, demoralising and deadly task he had to face. He walked to it, just so you could break free. So that you could escape the entangling sin. 

Consider him’ then; Don’t give up. Don’t turn away. Don’t sin. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Whose hero are you?

 I have always loved chapter 11 of Hebrews, these verses have always inspired me to consider the, ‘people of old’, to see the greatness of God, and the many feats of faith achieved. 

It lifts my vision of God, and of my own life. I love that here recorded are the steps of faith these people took, not their failings. It causes me to wonder, why then do I focus on my own failings rather than considering the steps forward I have made? Why do I focus on the times when I have messed up more than the times when I have stepped up? 

Are you the same?

Do you see yourself in a negative light? Do you think about the things you’ve done wrong more than what you’ve done right? If so, then you are not alone. Yet you can also gain inspiration and encouragement from this chapter. You too can see that God focuses on the positive attributes of His people not their mistakes. So, why don’t you give yourself a break and do the same? See what God has done in and through you, ask God to show you how He sees you - it may surprise you. 

Those commended in this chapter are esteemed for their faith in different ways, some of them are:

Acceptable sacrifices

Pleasing God

Walking faithfully

Reverent fear

Believing God’s word even when it seems impossible


Looking forward to God’s fulfilment

Living in discomfort now knowing God’s reward is coming

Considering God faithful

Do you do any or some of these? 

Do you give generously and at a sacrifice to God and His people?

Do you please God by pursuing your faith?

Are you persevering in walking faithfully - being an upright citizen and living above reproach?

Do you fear Holy God?

Are you holding tight to His promises even when they seem far off? 

Are you doing the last thing God told you to do? 

Do you focus more on what is to come than your current experience? Is heaven a lived reality for you? 

Are you prepared to suffer now knowing there’s a greater reward that you’re not likely to experience on this Earth? 

Are you confident in God’s faithfulness?

If you can confidently say ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions, then you are in good company. This chapter shows us, ‘so great a cloud of witnesses’, people like us who have struggled, failed, let themselves down, yet also clung to faith. As a believer in God, and a truster of Jesus, you too can be considered as a person of faith alongside these heroes. You too have a story worth telling. You have a story of how you have overcome and held onto the faith. You are a witness to who God is, and you too can share your story and be an example of a faith hero to those around you. 

Who can you be a hero to? 

Who can you share the greatness of God in your life with?