Thursday, 4 October 2012

Decisions, decisions...

I was challenged today when I was reading Genesis. It states that God put the tree of life (good tree) and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (bad tree) in the centre of the garden of Eden.

It struck me that both of these trees (or these decisions) are right next to each other. Why did God do that?! The choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing are very very close.
Often our decisions like that.
The choice to eat one piece of chocolate or several, or the choice to have another drink or not. Even the more difficult choices of where to live, you to marry (or not), what treatment to have if you're ill.

The fact is, even if we try not to, we all need to make choices. Sometimes we'll make good ones, other times not so good. It's not always easy to know the right path to take. So how do we go about it? we have a book of truth to instruct us, a Father in heaven to talk and hear from and the Holy Spirit to guide us. Sometimes we'll have a clear understanding of what we should do, other times it may be a discerning sense of which path is right for you at that time. Occasionally nothing seems to indicate what we should do so we just have to have a go!

I don't expect to always make the right decisions, even if I have good intentions and have searched for God's heart. We shouldn't expect ourselves to always get it right. (If we do, who are we comparing ourselves to?)

Adam and Eve saw that the fruit was good to eat.
Sometimes the things we see look good, but ultimately won't do us much good. Like with Adam and Eve the after effects can alter our vision and relationship with God. Thank God that He gave us Jesus to restore that relationship! It is our responsibility to admit when we've made a wrong turn, repent, and get on with it (With God of course).

I challenge you and myself to take time to consider which decisions you make and why. (I'm not talking about the menial things such as which shoes to wear or what to have for breakfast.) Seek God's heart for you, not your own appetite and see what happens....

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