Sunday, 27 December 2015

Created by God?

It's quite easy to think that we are the top dog. 

As humans, we are the dominant species on the planet. We seem to dictate where other animals live, what the land and water is used for. We have inhabited a large portion of this planet and our population continues to increase and dominant the land and the Earths resources. We have adapted and grown, gecome more intelligent and created some amazing things. We are powerful beings.

Isaiah 64:8
O Lord, you are our Father; 
we are the clay, and you are our potter; 
we are all the work of your hand. 

So, why then does this say we are clay?  Soft, mouldable and vulnerable? 
That seems a bit ridiculous, when we have achieved so much, when we are so dominant and powerful! 

I guess the next question could be, how did we get this power? 
There must be a distinction between us and the other creatures that roam the Earth. Otherwise how would one creature seem to rule them all? Why would one species be so dominant?

When someone invents something, like an artist who creates wonderful paintings, they are distinctive. The artist seems to leave their own mark, their own stamp on their work. It is often easy to recognise a Picasso, or Dali painting for example because they have a particular style, they implant something of who they are into their work.

Similarly, could it be that we are the work of a creator? One who is creative and powerful themselves? With their own mark implanted in us, their own stamp upon us? 

Are we created in the image of One who is powerful? 
One who has imparted special favour, recognition and power to us?

That we are, even, created by God? 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Jesus understands

Isaiah 63:9
"In all their affliction he was afflicted, "

This verse is talking about Jesus, he too was afflicted, just like we are.

So, first of all, what is affliction? It's a cause of pain or harm.

As we suffer pain and harm, so has Jesus. Jesus had temptation and condemnation to deal with too. 

Even if we consider a brief summary of his life, we can see much that caused him harm and pain. 
To begin with; he was a refugee, his family fled for his and their safety. He grew up moving around. As Jesus got older he was also; disbelieved, mocked, beaten, tempted, falsely accused, homeless, betrayed and abandoned.

That sounds like affliction to me! 

Jesus had a lot to be in pain about. So, he can understand us in our affliction. He can truly empathise and walk with us in it because he's been there too.

The verse above tells us that as we suffer, as we experience pain and harm, Jesus also does. This can give us confidence that in our troubles, torment and turmoil we are not alone. 

Jesus understands. 

He has been there, and he is there with you in it. He can empathise and walk with you in it because, 'In all their(our) affliction he was afflicted'. It's not just sometimes here's there, he's there in ALL of it.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Trying to live right

We all have what I would consider a 'moral code' that we each live by. 
We try to keep our own rules, and live what we consider a good life. Not getting into too much trouble. But, let's be honest - How many times have you broken your own rules? Your own 'moral code' that you align your life with? 
We all make mistakes, that's true, and if it's our own moral code that we're keeping then it can be adapted as we wish. We can let things go, and try to turn a blind eye to the feeling inside that maybe we aren't living quite right. But why then is it that we have that nagging feeling that we aren't quite right within ourselves?

Isaiah 50:10
10  Who among you fears the Lord 
and obeys the voice of his servant? 
  Let him who walks in darkness 
and has no light 
  trust in the name of the Lord 
and rely on his God. 
 11  Behold, all you who kindle a fire, 
who equip yourselves with burning torches! 
  Walk by the light of your fire, 
and by the torches that you have kindled! 
  This you have from my hand: 
you shall lie down in torment. 

The Bible uses the imagery of light and darkness as metaphors for good & bad or right and wrong. This makes me think of our own 'moral code'. We think that we are lighting our way, 'Walk by the light of your fire,'. 
We try to do and say and be what is good and right, but we are really holding a 'burning torch'. We could get burnt! What if someone one day finds out we are not as good as we claim? I
 for one would not like all of my mistakes to come to light! 

I want to live a good life, I want to think right, do, say and act in a right way, I hate getting things wrong. However, I cannot do this on my own, my 'torch' is a small section of light, it does not let me see the fuller picture, and I do stumble, I trip myself up and get things wrong as I cannot see fully where I am going. 

This is why I need to, 'Let him who walks in darkness and has no light trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.' I know someone who knows what is right, all the time. Not just thinks they're right, but are right. This doesn't mean they judge me, otherwise why would they want me to walk with them if they are perfect and I'm a mess? 

God does not look at us and tut over our failures of our own moral code, but He lets us know we can trust Him. He welcomes and invites us to rely on Him to make us 'right'. He can show us where we are going if we trust and rely on Him.

When I read this I felt relieved - It sounds like I don't have to work so hard! 

I don't have to consider which rules I need to keep, I can trust God to gradually help me to become better. To think, do and say the right things. I can relax in the knowledge that it's not all up to me to be acceptable, or good, but I can trust and rely on God to lead me well. 
So, if you are inwardly struggling with breaking your own moral code, and have that internal ache that reminds you that you are not as good as you profess yourself to be, then I encourage you to ask God to help you. 

Trust Him to lead you well, He forgives you, He accepts you and He will lead you right.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Who would like some peace?

Who would like some peace and tranquility? 

In this crazy, chaotic world these attributes are often hard to find. We get so busy and can become agitated by deadlines, the 'should do's' of life not to mention tension of relationships, job and economic stability, and then there's global warming and the environment to consider too.

No wonder we find peace hard to come by!

Isaiah 32:17
the effect of righteousness will be peace, 
and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. 

The verse above seems to say to that; peace, quiet and trust are available. They are linked here to, 'righteousness'. 

So, what is this righteousness? 
The dictionary defines it as, 'the quality of being morally right or justifiable'. This means that within ourselves we are right. Not just that, but we have been made right inside, our actions have been accounted for (justified).

I am sure we all have that sense within ourselves sometimes that lets us know that we aren't quite right really. I do. We have done things and maybe said things that are not, 'morally right' and no matter how hard we try, we do not find them, 'justifiable'. 
In short, we've made mistakes and screwed up. 

There are certainly actions that I have taken that I regret, and am even ashamed of. So, am I justified?

I believe I am and I can be, I believe that all the junk in my life, the stuff I do wrong can be changed, and got rid of. 

I believe in Jesus.

The Bible makes clear that the mess in our lives can be got rid of by trusting and believing in Jesus. Our wrongs do require a punishment, they need 'justifying'. 
Jesus is the only one who can show and prove that we are made 'right' because he's taken our punishment. We get a new chance to make the slate clean, we get a new chance to give up our screw ups because Jesus has already been punished for it. 

Therefore we have access to not only righteousness, but peace, even: 'the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding' (Phillipians 5). 

We will still continue to live in this crazy, chaotic world, and we will screw up, but inwardly we can know peace. 

I have experienced this myself on several occasions, and it it such a blessing, such a gift! We were once in the situation where we could not afford to feed, clothe and house ourselves as our earnings were not sufficient. Yet, we did not pore over our finances night after night, or fall into despair. We did what we could, we were not lazy or idle in the difficulty, we got on with the life we had.
Others were surprised that I was not stressing out, working myself to the bone or ill. I can only explain that I had the 'quietness and trust' or the, 'the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding'  that these verses mention. 
Amazingly there was a job change after a few months of this financial insecurity and it took years to pay off the accumulated debts from this period, but we made it! Thanks be to God. I will never forget that peace and quietness within, that I know made a difference to how we managed.
I am not powerful enough to change situations, to make endless amounts of money or resolve all of the chaos in the world. It does not mean that I won't on occasion get scared or worried, or feel drained by life. However I know someone who I can trust, who can make a difference and who is with me.

This person is God. 

That is where I put my hope and trust for a better future. 

Life continues to be a chaotic mess, but I am placing my hope not in others or worldly institutes as they will fail. 

My hope is in the one who is eternal, everlasting, good and powerful.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Message to you

God says; "you are precious in my eyes, 
and honored, and I love you" Isaiah 43:4

Wow! Don't think I need to write much about this, just read it, accept it and appreciate this fact. 
You are precious - no-one else is like you, no-one else is worth as much as you are, you are worthy, priceless and delighted in. 
You are honoured - this means you are important, celebrated and highly regarded
You are loved - unconditionally, perfectly, eternally adored

The one who made all things says this to you, you are acceptable, you are priceless, you are important and adored X

Monday, 12 October 2015

Listen, pursue, look

Isaiah 51
1 “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness, 
you who seek the Lord: 
  look to the rock from which you were hewn, 
and to the quarry from which you were dug. 
 2  Look to Abraham your father 
and to Sarah who bore you; 
  for he was but one when I called him, 
that I might bless him and multiply him. 

This passage tells those of faith to; listen, pursue and look. These things aren't optional, they're not suggestions but instructions, we're told to do them.
These things all take effort. They are not passive things, we have to decide to do them and do something about it.

So, if you are a person of faith, or know someone who is, are they doing these things? Are they listening, pursuing and looking for what they believe? If people truly have a faith, they should be active in it.

The first thing we're instructed to do is listen. 
We have to decide to listen, make a conscious effort to engage our ears and our brains and make time to do it. We all know it's difficult to listen - I am sure we've all 'switched off' at some point in our lives, usually when things get a bit boring, or we are distracted, but have we 'switched off' hearing from God? Do we make time to listen out for what God may be saying? Like any relationship, this relationship grows when the conversation is two way. Do we just go on at God? - Tell him our woes and shopping list then get on with our lives? Or do we wait to se if there's anything He might like to say back? Or do we ignore the prompting He gives because we don't like it? 

Next is the word pursue. I like this word, but find it challenging. Pursue is an active word it's to; actively seek, chase after something. Commitment and perseverance are required. In this case it's to actively seek and chase after being right with God. Many people of faith believe and accept certain things, but are they actively chasing after God? Are they persevering and committed in their faith? 
Pursuing something is hard work. It takes effort, energy and time, it can make you feel worn out. When I think of pursue I think of running after someone or something. Pursuing means you're always behind but trying to catch up, trying to get somewhere you're not yet. There's always Improvement to be made. 
If you know people who profess to have a faith, are they actually chasing after what they believe? Are they learning more about their faith and taking an active interest? Are they changing? 
Sometimes you may see it, other times it's more subtle, but if we truly pursue God, we should be changing. Whether it's growing in patience, kindness, peacefulness, or compassion, to name a few - we should be growing and changing. 

Look. Look at what? This passage encourages us to look at Abraham. He had a long history with God in his life. We can look to the Bible to see some great heroes and heroines. They got things right and got things wrong. We can learn from others of faith. Who do you know that has a long history of faith? Maybe you can learn from them? Paul who has written some of the Bible says, 'follow me as I follow Christ'. He recognises we're all human and imperfect, but in the things I'm doing right, look at me and learn from me. Don't focus on the other stuff, because if we are still pursuing then we are not there yet and we are hopefully in the process of improvement!

Maybe today take a moment to reflect, are you listening, pursuing and looking? 

Friday, 2 October 2015


To trust someone or something we look at their track record. 
What does past performance/behaviour indicate? This directs our current response and our own behaviour and actions towards them. Then we can consider, what does this imply for our future? Is this person/company/thing going to be something I can rely upon? Something that will be of benefit in forthcoming years?

Isaiah wrote this passage
(Isaiah 25:1-4)
 O Lord, you are my God; 
I will exalt you; I will praise your name, 
  for you have done wonderful things, 
plans formed of old, faithful and sure
 2  For you have made the city a heap, 
the fortified city a ruin; 
  the foreigners’ palace is a city no more; 
it will never be rebuilt. 
 3  Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; 
cities of ruthless nations will fear you. 
 4  For you have been a stronghold to the poor, 
stronghold to the needy in his distress, 
shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; 
  for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall, 

From my experience, I know that I can trust my parents. They have looked after me, loved and supported me even when I've made mistakes. They have shown that they are reliable, strong and loving. 

So, I trust them. 

I know I can depend on them in forthcoming years. 

To me, this is what the above passage is saying, that 'wonderful things', 'plans of old', acts of the past, can be built upon so that we can have security for the future. Those that have been reliable before are those people that we can trust now and for the future. 

We should acknowledge and 'exhalt' those that have proved their worth in our lives, we should recognise and value them as Isaiah does. His current behaviour depends on his past experience. He says he 'Will exhalt'. He chooses to because of the 'wonderful things' he has seen God do. His present mindset and actions have been formed by reflecting on what has influenced his life. 

I know that some people have some awful experiences in their past, that's true and unavoidable. But, surely there must be some 'wonderful things' too? What are they? And how can we each appreciate them? 

What is it that you want to build your life upon? 

Isaiah lived in a time of political unrest, he saw and experienced his country at war. With those in power trusting in other corrupt nations for help. Isaiah was in the position to advise those in power, and he did so. He did not trust in rulers or so-called world leaders, but chose to trust God, even though he clearly had some kind of relationship with important leaders.

Leaders often make plans, plans for what may seem the best at the time, but Isaiah saw that God had, 'plans formed of old, faithful and sure'. God's plans are well thought out, forward looking and reliable. They are not 'in the moment' ideas, but considerate, deliberate plans. Isaiah saw that God's track record was good. His plans had worked before, so he could trust them as 'faithful and sure'. 
Just as we can. 

You see, God hasn't changed, and that's a good thing! Isaiah understood that though God's plans are formed 'of old', they are relevant and dependable, considered, thought through. 
This shows God's steadfastness, He doesn't change, He is always a good base to rely on. 

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Questions, questions, questions

Isaiah 45:9-11
"Woe to him who strives with him who formed him, 
a pot among earthen pots! 
  Does the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ 
or ‘Your work has no handles’? 
 10  Woe to him who says to a father, ‘What are you begetting?’ 
or to a woman, ‘With what are you in labor?’ ” 
 11  Thus says the Lord, 
the Holy One of Israel, and the one who formed him: 
  “Ask me of things to come; 
will you command me concerning my children and the work of my hands? "

We all have questions. Sometimes lots of them.
This passage doesn't say we shouldn't ask, in fact it encourages us to. 

This section prompts us to what kind of questions we are asking. Even as children, we often ask the 'why' questions. We seek knowledge, we seek to understand.

Many people ask, "if there is a god then why....?"  But if these questions were truly answered would we be able to handle the magnitude of the answers? We are the ones that have been created, we are not the inventor, the one who put all things together. Maybe our brains couldn't handle the answers to the 'whys'. It's often a bigger picture than we realise.

This section encourages us not to ask those kind of questions, but a different one. 
Instead, we are encouraged to, 'ask me of things to come'. We are to look to the future, not the present or the past. To consider what will be rather than focus on what is or what was. 
If we try to make sense of the present past we don't get very far as there is a whole future mapped out ahead of us and we should be looking where we are going.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Life is a Marathon

Some of you may or may not know that I have recently completed my first marathon. 
On that sunny yet windy day, I realised that running a marathon is like our journey in life. We need to prepare, train, and get on with it. 

So, this is my marathon journey....

The day, the day arrives! anticipation, camaraderie and nervousness run rife. 
Even though many are here, each person is embarking on their own journey. They have their own targets and challenges ahead of them. We all know what we have signed up for, but we will each run this differently. 

A marathon, I have learnt, is not a race. 
It is a challenge, and each of us have our goals. We are not competing against each other, we are each trying to get the best out of ourselves. We are running alongside one another, all on the same journey of life but it is different for each of us. We find ourselves next to others, but it's not a competition. Other people cannot run the same race you have to run. Our lives are like that, we have our own journeys, our own challenges and our own marathon to run.
As we set off, those running a shorter distance soon outstrip me, and I must remember not to zoom off too quick as I have to conserve my energy, I am going to be running a long time. 
I am running a different race, my life journey is not the same as everyone else's. 
After a couple of miles I am running alongside a good friend. Their company keeps me going, we encourage others and each other along, impressed by our progress, and the natural beauty around us. We feel ready, we can do this, this is achievable. I realise that this is worth it because of the stunning scenery and the friendship, what beauty we live amongst. 

After 5 miles we get a nice surprise from a little cheer squad cheering us on. We all need that in life, people who support us and cheer us on, what a great boost that gives.  After that we see a variety of others along the way spurring us on. People that care and put themselves out to give you a boost are amazing people who enhance our lives. 
After about halfway I find I am running on my own. My companion is struggling, we realise we have a different goal to achieve, it's sad to part, but we support each other in what we need to achieve, and we know we will see each other at the end. Sometimes this happens in life, we don't necessarily fall out with people, but our lives take different directions. It can be hard making a change like that.

The next section is tough; it's bland, boring and burdensome. The view has changed and it all appears the same, the concrete is the same, monotony.

It takes mental and physical strength to put one foot in front of the other. Life can be like that too. It can feel like things are just plain hard-work. It's hard enough to get out of bed let alone have to struggle with what the day throws at you. Yet, somehow, we keep on going. There is something that motivates us. 

I remember the beauty of the first section; the natural beauty that surrounded me, and the companionship of those who are running, supporting and waiting for me. I suddenly appreciate that I am not doing this just for me. There are so many people invested in my life that it is about more than me. I may have to muddle through this part alone, but I see that there are many who will share the success with me when I get to the end. There are people who have invested in my life. Those who have trained with me, walked (or run) beside me, those who have released me and given up time to be there for me, those who look out for me and are waiting for me. If I have no other reason to keep going, this is enough. 
I trudge along, and am waiting and hoping to see signs that I must be nearly there. I have energy to keep going and I am determined to complete, it's just a bit boring! I am reminded of some phrases my friends have encouraged me as  I plod along, "I can do all things thorough Christ who strengthens me" and "we are winning" (purely because we get out of bed, we are winning!). They make me smile and I accept the truth of these things and keep focussed. 
It seems to take such a long time to get to the 20mile mark, after that i'm in new territory. I have not come this far before. This is new. This is different. What will happen now? 

I have set foot in unknown territory, I have planned to do it and prepared for it and i'm going for it! I am eagerly looking out for each marker which signals that I am closer to the end, the fantastic finish funnel, Aahh the dream of crossing that line! I know i'm nearly there and i'm looking forward to it.

It would be kind of nice to slow down a bit though, just to have a little walk, a bit of a break. As I think this, a cheery friend pops along and happily surprises me by running alongside me. They tell me I'm doing well, and they are sticking around for over a mile. Just when I wanted to have a little breather! Just a little rest, but I have to keep going, they are now coming along with me to get to the 'only a parkrun to go' stage. I can't admit that I wanted to walk, just for a little while. I have to keep going, they have no idea the help they are to me. I am out of breath, sweaty and tired, yet they keep their smile and encouraging words coming as they run with me. What wonderful people are these. They somehow discern when we are struggling in life and come along just when  we  need them. They may never know the precious support they give in these moments.
I am re-motivated, re-invigorated, re-invisioned. I figure out that I can probably get to the end in my goal time, so I keep lifting those feet. It's tough going, but I am going! I miss the last three mile markers and get a bit confused about how far is left, I am praying it's not too long! Seems like a mist of confusion, excitement and tiredness. I guess we all feel like that at times, a whole array of emotions, keeping on going in the fogginess of our minds because we don't want to stand still, I've come too far now to stop! 
Oh yes, I spot (well, actually hear first) the last band of supporters, shouting their cheerful encouragements, some even run with me almost to the end, I have almost made it. 
The finish line looms, it is my finish line, no-one else can cross it with me. 

It's my journey, my challenge, my race, my finish. 
Yet, a whole host of people crossed that line with me. 
Thank you to each of them.  

Monday, 31 August 2015

Strong love

Isaiah 40:9-11
“Behold your God!” 
 10  Behold, the Lord God comes with might, 
and his arm rules for him; 
  behold, his reward is with him, 
and his recompense before him. 
 11  He will tend his flock like a shepherd; 
he will gather the lambs in his arms; 
  he will carry them in his bosom, 
and gently lead those that are with young

Strength, endurance, gentleness, love
This is the love that God displays. His love is strong. Just looking at these verses shows me that God's  love can: withstand, endure, be demonstrated, gentle, calm, peaceful, powerful, careful and caring as well as effect change. 
It seems to say that although, 'God comes with might', He also will, 'tend his flock'. They sound like two different aspects of love. A strength and power as well as a caring, nurturing side. However, a shepherd wouldn't be much good at, 'tending his flock' if he were weak. Sheep would get lost and killed by predators if that were the case. 

We need strong love. 
Love that is strong enough to forgive, can overlook our problems, and still care about us. 
We need strong love. Weak love is no good.

Weak love may be caring, empathetic and sympathetic but it cannot effect change, may not last, and will probably give up. Weak love may be aware of others needs and discomforts but not able to do anything about it.
Likewise strength without love isn't much good either - it has power to implement change forcefully or directively but not from a caring relationship. This can result in headstrong decisions and a tendency to run through people. Doing whatever without consideration to others. 
Some may recognise that God is strong and mighty, but He also carries us 'in his bosom' and will 'gently lead' those that need it.

God 'comes with might' and tender love. Just the right mix! 

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Righteous and peaceful?

'justice will dwell in the wilderness, 
and righteousness abide in the fruitful field. 
 17  And the effect of righteousness will be peace, 
and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever. 
 18  My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, 
in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.'
Isaiah 32:16

Oooh, I like the sound of this! 

Things being fair, knowing what is right and doing it, quiet, trust, security, rest and peace. That sounds like a great life doesn't it? Is it possible? Can it be true that we can live free from the internal angst that can sometimes plague us?

Let's look at this passage bit by bit.
First of all it mentions justice. The right balance, fairness for all. Even in 'the wilderness'. This could be the places inhabited by only a few, but even there the right rules will be lived by. The wilderness could also refer to the times when we feel like we are in a difficult, lonely situation in life where help, company and abundance seem a long way off. Even there justice reigns.
'Righteousness in the fruitful field' In a fruitful field it may me tempting to be greedy, but if you're working hard and being successful, then the right balance can be kept. So it doesn't matter whether you feel like you're in, 'the wilderness' or 'in the fruitful field', God's justice still reigns. People can know they are right with God wherever there are. 
We have responsibility to look at what we are doing in those places. Are we being 'just' ourselves with those around us? Are we keeping the right balance and being fair? or are we overwhelmed or taking advantage of our situation? God's righteousness is accessible anywhere, are we allowing it to access us?p and make a difference to us?

'the effect of righteousness will be peace
and the result of righteousness, quietness and trust forever.'

So, righteousness brings about peace. Peace is what happens when we are right with God. It's like a natural response to our decision to walk right. I think I can relate to that. When I've done the right thing in a situation, even if something has gone wrong, I feel a sense of 'I'm in the clear', I feel alright. When we know we are right with God we can walk with a clear conscience, and that brings peace.
The consequence of righteousness then is, 'quietness and trust forever'. The outcome of choosing to live right is a quiet confidence, not just now, not just in different situations, but eternally. It's an assurance. What a great result! Quietness within your soul. This implies a lack of anxiety, pain and confusion. I think we could all do with that!

God then promises a, 'a peaceful habitation'  for His people. Those who have chosen a life with Him can have this. What would it be like? - a home without strife or argument, no skeletons in the closet. It doesn't mean a place where there's no-one else either, it's easier to be peaceful when no-one else is around. However, can you imagine what it would be like to live with others, but for you all to enjoy peace, there's no internal angst, no unmentionable issues, no outbursts... That sounds pretty good to me. 

So, it seems fair to ask, if this is what the Bible says, and if I am following God and investing in life with Him, why doesn't my life look like that? 
Why don't I have freedom from worry? Peace? Security?
I'm not going to go into all the reasons, but one may be, what are we putting our trust in really? Also, this world isn't God's initial design, so not all things will go smoothly. But whether we are in a fruitful or wilderness state, we can still enjoy 'righteousness'. The freedom from internal angst, freedom from a bad conscience because Jesus gives us that. For free. 

We don't have to measure up to anyone else's standards, because we have been accepted by God. He's the one who made everyone else, so He's the one who truly matters!

I wonder if the more we treasure and dwell on this fact, the more we will discover quiet, trust, security, rest and peace?

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Are you listening?

Isaiah 29:9-14
To whom will he teach knowledge, 
and to whom will he explain the message? 
  Those who are weaned from the milk, 
those taken from the breast? 
 10  For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept, 
line upon line, line upon line, 
here a little, there a little.
And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. When men give it to one who can read, saying, “Read this,” he says, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” 12 And when they give the book to one who cannot read, saying, “Read this,” he says, “I cannot read.” 
And the Lord said: 
  “Because this people draw near with their mouth 
and honor me with their lips, 
while their hearts are far from me, 
  and their fear of me is a commandment taught by men, 
 14  therefore, behold, I will again 
do wonderful things with this people, 
with wonder upon wonder; 
and the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, 
and the discernment of their discerning men shall be hidden.” 

Who listens to God? 

Can babies understand who He is? (V9-10)
Do those who can read, read the Bible? (V11)
Do those who can't read, gain knowledge of God? (V12)
Do those who worship God, and go to church actually listen to Him?

I think that list, probably covers everyone! 

So, who does actually, actively, listens to God?
I have learned that listening is not a passive thing, but an action. You have to put in effort and concentrate in order to listen. 
We can read without it going in, sing a song without much thought, but to listen, we have to engage. 

It's sometimes hard enough listening to people, but how do we listen to God? 

Well, this passage gives us some clues: read the Bible, be prepared to be taught, talk to Him and praise Him. We have to put in the effort and the time if we truly want to hear what God wants to say. That is if we really want to hear what He's saying rather than what we hope He is saying. 

When we do hear God speak, it doesn't always come in a booming voice, or with a blinding light, but it might be a sense or thought that you wouldn't normally have. Or something seems to jump out at you when you're reading. It may be that the same theme keeps cropping up. I encourage you to explore it, pray about it and see if anything different happens if you listen. 
What will you lose if you give it a go?

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Ever feel like you're busy?

I often feel busy, and feel like there is probably more I should be getting done, I have a 'to do' list and quite regularly have to bump things on the list to another day. I'm very good at finding things to do, and there always seems to be something that I feel like I should do. It's not even that others put pressure on me to do stuff, I put it on myself. This can cause me to feel busy, and a bit stressed.

The other day, just as I was feeling busy and getting ready for the day, I read this little verse: 
O Lord, you will ordain peace for us, 
for you have indeed done for us all our works.Isaiah 26:12  
Do you know what? That gave me such relief! It's not me that does all this stuff, but I have help! Phew! I remembered then that I have someone who walks with me, and works with me. God is not just by my side or watching over me, but He is working alongside me.

This made me question the importance of all that stuff that I get busy with. What should I really be doing? Yes, the housework will not do itself sadly, but do I need to get so bothered by it? Do I need to feel stressed that the bathroom hasn't been cleaned in x amount of days, or that I still haven't responded to that email/letter/phone call?

Knowing that God is doing it with me helps. God has, 'done for us all our works'. This is the stuff that concerns us, things we are busy doing and have a duty to do. We don't have to bear the burden alone.

The other brilliant thing about this verse is it says that God, 'will ordain peace for us'. He will give us an internal rest. The definition of peace is - freedom from disturbance, tranquility. 

So, next time I feel I have much to do, I am going to try to remember this. I am going to aim to remind myself that God is doing the work with me, and that He can give me peace.

 I might not seem any less busy but I can certainly feel it.

Monday, 22 June 2015

What is the point of your life?

We all come to an end. 

Each of us will experience our Earthly life finishing, however that may come about. 

Isaiah 10:3
'What will you do on the day of punishment, 
in the ruin that will come from afar? 
  To whom will you flee for help, 
and where will you leave your wealth? '

Have you thought about, 'what will you do' on that day? 'To whom will you flee for help?' Who can you rely on? Who will be there? What will it be like? 

That seems like a lot of things to consider, but surely it's worth considering. At the end, what will be the legacy of your life's work? What will you be leaving behind? 
Is what we do now, in this life, of any consequence to what happens after we expire?

We may come to our own conclusions about what is next after this life, is it just a void of emptiness, is there nothing? Or is there something? 

There are many theories, ideas and conclusions that have been reached about what happens after we leave this earthly life. We all need to make up our own mind about what we believe.I'm not going to tell you what to believe, I'd just like to ask you some questions.

If there as life after this one on Earth, then surely, what happens at the end of our lives should influence our current life. If this life has purpose, then we should live like it does and make the most of it. 
So, what are you living for? To leave a legacy? to store up wealth? To become renowned? To build up something of worth on Earth? To build a fortune or a family?

Really, in a few short years this life will be over, the average life expectancy is 71years, that's not so long. All the hard work and striving of this life, what will it of led to? 

What is the point to your life? 

It's an important question to consider, we all have one -  it's what motivates us, what we spend time doing and thinking of. Where are your thoughts, money and energies focussed? 

I cannot give you the answers, these you have to figure out for yourself. Just consider, the time we're alive on Earth is of small importance (an average of 71years) when compare that to the amount of time we're not on the Earth. So, surely we should make this time count for something. 

At the end of your days, when you reach your expriation date, what would your life really of been about? What impression will you be leaving to those around you? Will the purpose of your life do you good in the end?

It's worth considering your views on the 'hereafter' because it lasts longer than the here and now, we're not around on Earth for much longer than we are on it. 

At some point, we all consider, If there really is a God. At the end of your days, If there is, how will you measure up? 

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Liberating Love

Most of us probably feel sad when we hear of family breakdown, and rightly so. We probably feel the same when we hear of children who rebel against their parents. We can think it's unjust, unfair and perhaps unfaithful.

Can you imagine if that parent was you? 

We all make mistakes, but how heart-wrenching would it be if one day any children you may have turned your back on you? You do the best you can to demonstrate your love, to protect and support your children, yet still, they reject you. 
As a good parent you would bring up children in the way you hope will lead them into a happy and healthy life, yet they throw out your sound advice. 
They do their own thing. 
They reject what they have been taught and shown about what is right. Then choose to live a life which becomes more and more debauched, degraded and distant. 
By their actions they seem to be intentionally rebelling against the instruction of their parents. As a result they seem to push you further and further away. They may not call. Your very own children become distant and seem lost to you. They may ignore you. They may speak falsley about you. It may appear that they hate you, their parents.

As the parent, how would that feel? 

What would or could you do?  

I cannot imagine how distraught I would be. 

It would feel to me like my life's work has been to no avail, the people that are a part of me, of my family, had rejected me, misunderstood me and didn't love me. The pain would be indescribable, the way the heart would ache. I am sure I would be mourning for them

Now, let me tell you...... 

                                                        we are those children.

Each one of us has done things we know are wrong and have turned our backs on what we know is right.

It pains our parent, our Father God, who has been actively involved in our lives since before we were born.
We have rejected Him, we have misunderstood Him and we have ignored Him.

We have thought we know better, we haven't understood all the purposes of the rules and regulations so we have broken them. 

As the parent, how would that feel for God? 

God has mourned over you, his heart breaks for you, He yearns for the time to come when you choose Him above the other stuff. He does not want you to follow the rules, but to follow His heart. He will wait like the ever patient, ever loving Father that He is. He will not deny you, He will let you in, He will forgive you and He will live life with you. 

God has been distraught when each of us has chosen to walk away from Him and fulfill our own agenda. His heart has ached for you. 
He will show you, not a load of rules, but His heart when you truly set your mind to find Him. 

You just have to choose Him. 

Admit you are wrong, accept that you don't have all the answers and that maybe there is more to life than what is going on right now. 

God knew that we couldn't understand His heart until He revealed Himself to us, so He did that by sending His own son. His own son, who walked the Earth and faced the trials and temptations just as we do. Jesus showed us what all the rules and regulations meant, the true meaning of the Law by demonstrating the love and grace that was behind it. 

God loves us SO much that He chose to send His own son, to us. To us, who were; debauched, degraded, distant, dismissive and denying. 

Who would go after people like that? 

That is some heart of love!
God sees that you are worth it, you're worth the agony, worth the suffering, worth the cost of restoration. 

I am so grateful that God has chosen and chased me. I have not understood where He was coming from for many years, yet He has chosen to gently and faithfully reveal His heart to me.

Some people think that being a christian is about being a good person, and following the rules, but being a christian is about relationship

Would God of suffered all that if it was about rules? 

It is about a heart-broken Father who sent someone who could understand our plight, someone who could walk in the circles we walk and demonstrate His Father's great love. It's about a rescue mission, for us. 

Not to confine us to rules but to liberate us through love. 

Isaiah 1:

 2  Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth; 
for the Lord has spoken: 
  “Children have I reared and brought up, 
but they have rebelled against me. 
 3  The ox knows its owner, 
and the donkey its master’s crib, 
  but Israel does not know, 
my people do not understand.” 
 4  Ah, sinful nation, 
a people laden with iniquity, 
  offspring of evildoers, 
children who deal corruptly! 
  They have forsaken the Lord, 
they have despised the Holy One of Israel, 
they are utterly estranged. 
 5  Why will you still be struck down? 
Why will you continue to rebel? 
  The whole head is sick, 
and the whole heart faint. 
 6  From the sole of the foot even to the head, 
there is no soundness in it, 
  but bruises and sores 
and raw wounds; 
  they are not pressed out or bound up 
or softened with oil.