Monday, 31 August 2015

Strong love

Isaiah 40:9-11
“Behold your God!” 
 10  Behold, the Lord God comes with might, 
and his arm rules for him; 
  behold, his reward is with him, 
and his recompense before him. 
 11  He will tend his flock like a shepherd; 
he will gather the lambs in his arms; 
  he will carry them in his bosom, 
and gently lead those that are with young

Strength, endurance, gentleness, love
This is the love that God displays. His love is strong. Just looking at these verses shows me that God's  love can: withstand, endure, be demonstrated, gentle, calm, peaceful, powerful, careful and caring as well as effect change. 
It seems to say that although, 'God comes with might', He also will, 'tend his flock'. They sound like two different aspects of love. A strength and power as well as a caring, nurturing side. However, a shepherd wouldn't be much good at, 'tending his flock' if he were weak. Sheep would get lost and killed by predators if that were the case. 

We need strong love. 
Love that is strong enough to forgive, can overlook our problems, and still care about us. 
We need strong love. Weak love is no good.

Weak love may be caring, empathetic and sympathetic but it cannot effect change, may not last, and will probably give up. Weak love may be aware of others needs and discomforts but not able to do anything about it.
Likewise strength without love isn't much good either - it has power to implement change forcefully or directively but not from a caring relationship. This can result in headstrong decisions and a tendency to run through people. Doing whatever without consideration to others. 
Some may recognise that God is strong and mighty, but He also carries us 'in his bosom' and will 'gently lead' those that need it.

God 'comes with might' and tender love. Just the right mix! 

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