Monday, 22 February 2016

What's the difference between being good and being holy?

At heart, I think we all want to be 'good'. 

I know I get a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I do something wrong, or even when I don't do something I ought to. Even when I have thoughts about the past or my mind wanders, I can feel a bit 'yuck'. 

I want to be good. I want to do the right things. 
I have an internal sense, I KNOW when I am doing some thing that is not quite right. It seems that there's a sense of right and wrong built within us. We have an internal gauge of what is good. 

So, what about being holy? 
What's that about? Holy seems like a word that we cannot relate to. It's better than good! It's almost like it means being super-unachieveably-peter perfect-good. This doesn't come naturally, we don't have an internal holiness gauge. This is something we need to learn, it's not a natural part of us.

How then do we learn to be holy?

One tip; If you want to be holy, then read the Bible:

1Peter 1:14-16
'As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”'

Once you've become a child of God by accepting Jesus, you're on your way to being holy.  The 'the passions of your former ignorance' Are not to define you anymore. They are who you were, not who you are. You do not have to live with them or by them. 
The instruction here is 'be holy in all your conduct'. That's a BIG task! In all of it? I've been on this Christian journey for over 20years now and I know I'm not holy in all my conduct. I might be 'good' in some of it, but not holy! 

The same passage in The Message version says:
'So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.”'

I like this;
'roll up your sleeves' - get ready for some hard work, for some instruction on what to work on.
'Put your mind in gear' - make the decision. Are you going to be holy or not? 
'Ready to receive' - aiming to be holy isn't just about hard work, effort, or our power to change. There's a gift. The Holy Spirit strengthens us to change, he helps and guides us in our pursuit of holiness. Trying to be holy is not without merit. It will bring a greater peace and joy to our lives as we figure out what truly matters.
'Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves' - Don't be lazy - a common reason not to change can be that it takes too much effort. Anything worth having does. 
'let yourselves..' - allow change to happen, don't resist what God is doing in your life.

Do these things and you will have a, 'life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness' - I want that, do you? 

Monday, 15 February 2016

The Most Holy Place

What is a holy place? How can a place even be holy? 

It must be a place that is perfect, pure and spotless. But it can't be an empty place. Otherwise there would be perfection but not holiness. An awe, reverence, sacredness would dwell there. Being holy is about something being dedicated to God, set apart for His use. So, for a place or thing to be holy must mean that it's purpose is specifically for God.

The Bible talks of such a place called the Most Holy Place. The Most Holy Place is not empty, but it's where God dwelt. He said to His people that He would live among them and He gave them instructions about what this place should be like.

Now, God living with people is a challenge.

He is holy and good, we are not so much. We mess up and God can't be around that. So when He chose to live amongst the Israelites in the Most Holy Place there were certain measures that had to be taken. These were not to separate people from God, because he'd chosen to come and live with them, but rather to protect them from the punishment their wrongdoings were due. 


No regular person was permitted to enter the Most Holy Place. So this place was separated from the Holy Place by a beautifully designed and luxuriously formed curtain. It sounds like a work of art; decorated with fine linen, an array of beautiful colours, carefully woven together and covered in images of cherubim. It was rich and interesting, symbolising the majesty, royalty, purity and power of God.

The curtain is important as it shields the holiness of God from the sin of His people. People knew not to go in there. The only person permitted to enter the Most Holy Place was the High Priest, and then only once a year on a particular day. This was to say sorry for the sins of all the people. He could only enter after he'd been; scrubbed clean, put on special clothes, and given offerings. Then the high priest could go in. 

If anyone else went in they died.

That's how important it is to God that we are holy. 

A holy God cannot be near sin. 


Holiness and sin cannot co-exist. It's impossible. 

It's not because God is cruel or mean, He actually wanted to live with His people, that's why He instructed them to build the place in the first place! But God cannot compromise His character no matter how much He loves us. 

It's like with our children. I cannot bear lying. I have even been known to say, "I cannot be around .....whilst they are sitting there telling lies". It's abhorrent to me. I cannot abide it. I can't stand being around it. I have to leave the room. 

It's similar for God. He cannot be around liars, or sinners for that matter. So, He instructed the people to separate the place where He was going to stay so that the people were not destroyed. 

“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body …let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.” 

Hebrews 10:19-22

As Jesus body was torn apart, so was the curtain. When Jesus came and died for our sins, this curtain was torn from top to bottom. Not by any human hand. The curtain was too high and too thick to be ripped by even the strongest man. 

No longer does the high priest have to say sorry for all we've done wrong every year, because Jesus has paid for it all. 

The Most Holy Place where only God dwells is now for us all. We will no longer die if we enter. We now have the rights of the high priest, to be in presence of God, but we can enter it every day of the year if we want. That is, if we have accepted that Jesus paid that price for us. It's not because God has reduced His standards, but because His standards have been fulfilled. 

Jesus is the only person who has lived up to the task of being holy, and when we enter into God's presence it is him He sees. We are holy through no work of our own, but by the gift of grace from Jesus. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Highway of Holiness

Isaiah 35:8-10
a great road will go through that once deserted land. 
It will be named the Highway of Holiness
Evil-minded people will never travel on it. 
It will be only for those who walk in God’s ways; 
fools will never walk there. 
9 Lions will not lurk along its course, 
nor any other ferocious beasts. 
There will be no other dangers. 
Only the redeemed will walk on it. 
10 Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return'

Highway of HolinessWhat is that? Well, a highway is a high way - a path that is raised up, above the ground. It's obvious where it is, and if you're on it you get a better view of what's going on around you. 
It's also the 'way'. There's a purpose and direction to the path and a destination. 

So, who travels on it? Well, it's a public road so to speak so all are invited to use it. It's accessible to all, but, 'evil-minded people will never travel on it'. It is restricted to those who, 'walk in God's ways', 'the redeemed'. So, in order to travel on higher ground, to get a better view of life and have a clear direction you need to be aware of, and following God's ways. It's for those who have accepted Jesus and who desire to live a life of holiness. 

The 'high way' implies a higher way of living, higher standards. God has high expectations for His people to be holy. Those standards do not change, because God never changes. He came down to meet us in the form of Jesus, but he didn't reduce His standards in doing so. 
God has not reduced his standards by allowing us onto this highway. He doesn't expect us to be perfect or holy, but He raises our standards and expectations for our life in our pursuit of holiness. He doesn't reduce his expectations to accommodate our weakness, but He allows His people to be brought up to His level. He puts us on the, 'Highway of Holiness'. Giving us a different viewpoint. It's like as we travel along the highway, we capture something more of what 'holiness' means. 
The pursuit of God is the highway to holiness.

From the first time you step foot onto the highway of holiness, your life changes. The journey gives you a new perspective, a new direction and destination. Like any journey, you learn new things along the way. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Speaking in holiness

Who has ever used the phrase, "he/she spoke in their holiness?"

It's not an expression we hear or see written in any book that I can think of (other than the Bible). Yet is not just written once in the Bible, but several times.

Psalm 60:6
'God has spoken in his holiness'

Psalm 89:35
'I have sworn by my holiness;
I will not lie'

Psalm 108:7
'God has promised in his holiness:'

'Speaking in holiness' is not a concept we consider. I wonder why that is? Is it because it seems silly? Confusing? Weird? 
I wonder why that is - is it because we are not holy, therefore we cannot speak 'in holiness'?

When someone wants you to trust what they are saying they might say, "I promise....", "I swear by..... It's true". These are the upmost declarations of our trustworthiness that we can give. 
We cannot speak 'in holiness'. 
Speaking in holiness is different because it's confirmed truth, it implies a constancy, certainty, trustiness and honourable way of speaking. It demonstrates the character of God, not just the words of God. The words spoken 'in holiness' are not to be doubted, they will come about no matter how difficult that may seem. 
As holiness also means purity, the words are pure, so in other words they are free from contamination, free from lies and deception. They are clean and good.

Numbers 23:19
'God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?'

If you think about it, why would God lie? 

We only lie to cover up something we've done wrong, because we are embarrassed or ashamed about something. Or, we lie to hide something, to deceive someone or gain something.

What has God ever done wrong or needed to hide? Nothing

God doesn't need to lie, He would gain nothing from it. 

We can trust the words God says because they reflect His character. What possible motive would God have for not telling us the truth? 

So, if God has spoken to you, then you can be assured it will happen. No matter how extreme or unlikely the circumstances. 
If you haven't known God speak to you about something, then ask Him to. You never know what He might say. Whatever He does say, you can be certain that He would of 'spoken in his holiness'. 

God's words are certain, they are secure, they are trustworthy.