Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Speaking in holiness

Who has ever used the phrase, "he/she spoke in their holiness?"

It's not an expression we hear or see written in any book that I can think of (other than the Bible). Yet is not just written once in the Bible, but several times.

Psalm 60:6
'God has spoken in his holiness'

Psalm 89:35
'I have sworn by my holiness;
I will not lie'

Psalm 108:7
'God has promised in his holiness:'

'Speaking in holiness' is not a concept we consider. I wonder why that is? Is it because it seems silly? Confusing? Weird? 
I wonder why that is - is it because we are not holy, therefore we cannot speak 'in holiness'?

When someone wants you to trust what they are saying they might say, "I promise....", "I swear by..... It's true". These are the upmost declarations of our trustworthiness that we can give. 
We cannot speak 'in holiness'. 
Speaking in holiness is different because it's confirmed truth, it implies a constancy, certainty, trustiness and honourable way of speaking. It demonstrates the character of God, not just the words of God. The words spoken 'in holiness' are not to be doubted, they will come about no matter how difficult that may seem. 
As holiness also means purity, the words are pure, so in other words they are free from contamination, free from lies and deception. They are clean and good.

Numbers 23:19
'God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?'

If you think about it, why would God lie? 

We only lie to cover up something we've done wrong, because we are embarrassed or ashamed about something. Or, we lie to hide something, to deceive someone or gain something.

What has God ever done wrong or needed to hide? Nothing

God doesn't need to lie, He would gain nothing from it. 

We can trust the words God says because they reflect His character. What possible motive would God have for not telling us the truth? 

So, if God has spoken to you, then you can be assured it will happen. No matter how extreme or unlikely the circumstances. 
If you haven't known God speak to you about something, then ask Him to. You never know what He might say. Whatever He does say, you can be certain that He would of 'spoken in his holiness'. 

God's words are certain, they are secure, they are trustworthy. 

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