'The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”'
We can see and hear the effects of the wind, but don't know the origin or purpose of it. The same with the Spirit, we don't, and cannot understand what it's doing or why, but we can see the effects.
Those who are not born of the Spirit cannot fully understand those that are. The life led by the Spirit doesn't make sense to those born only of natural birth (not born again).
Is this evident in your life?
As people of the Spirit, some of our choices will not make sense to those who haven't been born again. This is how it should be. If all of our decisions are made according to worldly standards, then are we even 'born of the Spirit'?
Ok, I'm not saying that we should make crazy decisions, it is good to make wise decisions, but if there's an opportunity where you feel stirred to do something, or even do nothing when the rest of the world would act differently, then go ahead. Obey the Spirit. Who knows what will happen?
We have had opportunities where we have obeyed the Spirit. My husband and I at different times felt we should have a job change. This meant our wages would almost halve, and money was tight enough as it was! However, we felt led, we felt prompted to go for it. So we did. Some friends and family told us we were not being wise, in fact we were being foolish, we got asked, "who does that?" And got a few funny looks.
We were faced with opposition, but if you're going to be led by the Spirit, you will be.
You will also doubt yourself, you will doubt whether it really is the right thing to do, if it is really what God would want.
I can tell you from our experience, that although our income reduced over the years, God has always provided. We have had miraculous gifts from people where we have had problems and the exact amount of money has been donated from anonymous sources, without us even speaking to anyone about our problems. Now that's miraculous! We have known peace and certainty when jobs have been lost when we didn't know how we'd pay the bills or buy food, now that's a miraculous work of the Spirit!
I'll be honest, I'm not living in the fullness of a life with the Spirit, but I count on God. I've still not got it right. It is scary living by the Spirit, but it's worth it. I do get it wrong, I do make mistakes, I don't always do what I think God wants me to. Reading this though, I'm reminded afresh to trust in God, and to be bold. The world will tell us to be cautious and hold back.
God says, "Go in the strength you have" (Judges 6:14). The thing about obeying the Spirit is, 'you do not know where it comes from or where it goes'. If you want to step out from predictability, and want an exciting journey, then join with the Spirit and see where it takes you!
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