Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Pilgrimage of life

Everyday, I see people going through the same routines, they tread (or drive) the same path, day in, day out. I include myself in this as I tread the same path, 5 days a week to take the kids to school. 

It can look quite impressive, a whole hoard of people making their way to the same destination. 
In the quest for something. (But what?) It reminds me of a pilgrimage. 

It has made me think, our lives are a journey, but to what end? 
What is the purpose of our life's pilgrimage? 
We are all going somewhere, we all have purpose, drive and passion which direct us, but where to? 
Are we blindly just strolling along, as I do, on autopilot on the school/work run? Not really paying attention to the route, just conscious of the target?

Or are you eagerly searching? Aware of your journey and destination? Sure of your purpose? 

A Pilgrimage is - A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance.
A quest for illumination.

Are you just bumbling along, (like I do in the mornings) doing what needs to be done in order to get to where you want to go? Or are you aware that your life has a purpose? It has significance? Your journey is 'of exalted purpose'.

As I think about life, and this journey, I realise that we are all on a pilgrimage, but to what, or for what? 

What is your life about? 
What is the purpose of it? 
What is it, at the end of your life, that you want to achieve? 

Once you figure that out think about how you are going to get there. The journey is often as important as the destination. 

The Israelites had a 40 year journey in the desert. They knew their destination was 'the promised land', but they had to endure the journey first. Long and arduous your journey may seem, like the Israelites, but what is 'the promised land' you are travelling towards? 
The Israelites, God's people knew their end goal. 
Do you know yours? 

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