Thursday, 10 November 2016

How do we receive God's promises?

Joshua 23: 5-6
"5 The Lord your God will push them back before you and drive them out of your sight. And you shall possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you. 6 Therefore, be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, turning aside from it neither to the right hand nor to the left, "

God will:
Push back our enemies
Drive them out
Fulfil his promises

We shall:
Possess the land

We must:
Be strong
Keep the law

God has said he will push back our enemies.
God works hard for us, did you know that?
Pushing back enemies takes; time, power, strength, logic and control. God will do all of that for us so that we can have the good stuff.
He will drive out the enemy. Drive them out implies that they are completely out of our lives. They are not welcome, and God can and will take care of that. God will do all this work. He will and does battle for us. He will fight for us, he will defeat our enemies. God keeps all his promises - that means he does everything he ever said he would - do you know anyone else that does that? I sure don't! Everything God says he will do, he will do. Everything he says will happen, will happen.
God has said he WILL remove our enemies, he WILL fight our battles. So, he will!

Then, who or what are our enemies? Enemies can be people. They can also be a whole host of other things including bad habits, or wrong mindsets.
Whatever it is, God has the; time, power, strength, logic and control to overcome them and drive them out.
God is ready. He's prepared, willing and able to fulfil his promises. He will push our enemies back and drive them out. However, it's up to us to keep our part of the bargain.
So what does our part entail?

We MUST, 'be very strong to keep and to do all that is written in the Book of the Law'. Being strong. It doesn't mean we all have to have mighty muscles or be a black belt in martial arts, but we need to be strong.

How are you strong?
Maybe you persevere even when the going gets tough. Maybe you have unshakeable faith. Maybe you have peace in the midst of chaos, in the darkest hours you have hope. These are all ways we can be strong. Whatever is thrown at you in life, keep hold of who you are and who God is, then you will be strong.

Being strong isn't enough though. We've also got to follow the rules. If we are serious about being God's people, we've got to keep the family rules. Rules are there not to limit or harm us, but to protect us and others. They are not easy to keep, but we have responsibility to demonstrate who we are through what we do or do not do.

God promises great things to the obedient and faithful. Are you ready to do what it takes to receive them?

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