Are you happy?
This profound question was asked of me last week by my lovely husband. The answer? No! I hadn't thought about it, and I am not a person who asks myself those kind of questions, I just get on with life. My answer even surprised myself.
I should explain, I am not happy like full of joy and laughter, but I'm not unhappy either. I am not depressed, anxious or worried about anything really. Most of the time I am content, but at present, no im not happy.
The last few weeks have been tough, and I admitted to my wonderful husband that I am 'trudging on'.
The next day I went for a run. Oh, that was hard! I didn't want to do it, I didn't have a lot of energy and I didn't think I could make the distance. Then I was reminded about the conversation with my husband -I just had to keep 'trudging on'.
Sometimes life is hard, we are tired, have no energy, don't really know what's going on, and at times and we can feel alone. However, we've just got to keep lifting those heavy feet. In order to get that run done I had to concentrate on lifting one foot and putting it down, lifting the other one and putting it down.
Sometimes the steps are slow and arduous, but I was reminded that each step we take is closer to the finish line.
Hebrews 12:1 says; 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us'.
We have got to keep moving forward. Endurance is about keeping in going even when it gets tough.
That's as true for life as it is for running.
We are all heading for the finish line, so keep lifting those feet. Sometimes it'll seem like you're as light-footed as a gazelle, at others you'll be trudging like an elephant, but at least you're moving. Keep going towards those goals. The finish line is getting closer.
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