Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Are you content?

What makes you content?

Being content is different from being happy or fulfilled. Being content is being satisfied with what you've got. Yes, things could be better, you could have; newer, better, more technological gadgets or better health, more money, nicer house etc, but are you content? 

Contentment is more about a state of mind than a state of finances or health. It's more to do with our mindset and what we focus on. I know our kids can be in a mood all day if they don't get to do one simple thing when in fact they've had multiple thins they've enjoyed that day. They miss out on the joy of what they have got and done because they are focussed on the fact they didn't get to do one thing. When the one missed thing or the one thing that isn't good enough clouds your vision, you will not be happy. You will be miserable and definitively not content. 
The most content people I have met have generally been the older generation, particularly those that have lived through war. Do you know why? Because they are content. They are satisfied with what they have, even if it is not much. They recognise the value of life, of peace, of the few possessions they have. Sometimes they are grateful for being able to wake up each day and see the sunshine. I remember visiting one man who was very ill, it was sad to see him so unwell, but when we asked him how he was, he replied, "I'm alright mate, how are you?". He had a completely different perspective to us. He may of y I'll (and he dies a little while after), but he was content. Even though he'd had a stroke, couldn't control his body, his mind was on something else. He was a brilliant example of living out a contented life. He must of had the mindset described in these verses;

1 Timothy 6:7-9
we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. 8 But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.

We have so much, so much that we aren't even entitled to really. It's true, we came into the world with nothing, not even clothing! However we expect to have clothing, and food as a minimum. If we have these, we have all the ingredients for contentment. Don't be wrapped up in what you could have, but look around at what you do have. If we always have an attitude of wanting more, bigger, better, then we can 'fall into temptation' which leads to ruin. 

It is nice to have nice things, but don't be one that desires more all the time, look around and be content with what you have. Most of us will have food and clothes, whatever else we have isn't going to be ours when we die anyway, so why bother collecting loads of stuff on Earth? It'll be someone else's once we are not around anymore. 

'if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content'

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Train hard

1 Timothy 4:7-8
'Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way'

I really like these verses. They are about training. Training is imperative if you wish to succeed at anything. If you want; a particular job, to lose weight, get fitter, learn a subject, understand about a certain faith, then chances are you'll need to train. You have to put the effort in, you have to try, you have to repeat stuff and you'll need to evaluate your performance and probably adjust your goals. For sure it'll impact your overall life. 

Here scripture tells us that bodily training is of some value.
Some people read this and can dismiss is, 'oh it's only of SOME value'. Like it's not important, I'm going to focus on other things. Yet, that's not what it's saying. Bodily training is of SOME value. It is validated, it is not dismissed, it is of benefit. 
Bodily training does you good. 
I have done some bodily training myself, It is hard work! You need; endurance, focus, insight, knowledge, evaluation and effort. 
If you want to get stronger and better, you must keep going even when it's tough. It will hurt. It will test your limits. Yet you can and will achieve things you never could imagine. You can end up with not just medals, but new friends, a new lease of life, new interests and a new body! 

Bodily training is of value because it helps develop not just our bodies, but our minds and our character. Any kind of physical activity you undertake, you will get to the point where you are; fed up, tired, muscles ache. What do you do then? Give up? Adjust your routine? keep going? 
Bodily training gives us a focus, it helps us develop perseverance and endurance. It enables us to evaluate our own performance and develop inner strength. 
Many people who train for a sport will not always succeed in their goals, yet most do not give up. They evaluate their performance, maybe adjust the training and set another goal. They don't let disappointment overrule. They see the obstacles and figure out what to do about it. 

I can totally see how this relates to training for godliness.

There will always be events that knock us sideways, that take us off track. The important question is; what are you going to do about it? 
Don't let disappointment overrule. Evaluate, adjust and move onwards. 

Training for godliness is hard work. You will need; persistence, strength, endurance, repetition, and the ability to evaluate if you wish to succeed. 1 Corinthians 9:24 says, 'Run in such a way to get the prize'. The fantastic thing about many races nowadays is that everyone gets a medal. The same medal, no matter your speed. 
Every person runs as they have their own medal to achieve. Their own goal. As long as you finish the race you will get the prize. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing, it's about you and your training and the fulfilment of the goal at the end.

We are all invited to run the race of faith. If you take on that challenge -be prepared to work for it. You will need to train. Life is hard, it has ups and downs that you will need to get through. You will need to persevere, you will be required to put in hard work and endure. If you do, there will be moments of great joy as you overcome. As you achieve what you once felt impossible, and you will receive the prize.

Godliness is of value in every way. Bodily training is important, but what is more important is the eternal state of our souls.

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Jesus for all

1 Timothy 1:15
'The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners'

Jesus didn't come to build up the Holy and righteous, he came 'to save sinners'. That's one of the things I love about Jesus. He didn't hang around with all the people that got it right.
He went out and spoke to anyone. The blind called him, rich men approached him, soldiers of the occupying force asked for his help, prostitutes touched him, those with diseases came to him, the hungry listened to him, fishermen followed him.

Jesus is applicable to all.

He didn't come to Earth to be surrounded by people who have got it right, in fact he sought out those who hadn't. Yes, he did go to the temple, but most of the events we hear about Jesus are not in the temple. They are out in the streets, amongst people in their everyday lives.

That's where Jesus can meet with you today.

You don't even need to be looking for him, most people weren't. They were begging on the streets, doing their jobs, fetching water, then Jesus shows up. For many their lives were never the same again.

Jesus can change your life today.

It doesn't matter if you don't feel like you've  got it all together, or if you are desperate for change in your life - Jesus came to meet with all.

Most of the people that realised they needed something else in life called out to Jesus. They recognised there was nothing they could do to change their situations, but maybe Jesus could. The blind called to him and wouldn't be silenced, the lame were carried to him, a woman reached out and touched him to be healed. Jesus had mercy on them all.

Jesus will have mercy on you too.

He has the power and authority to forgive you because he is God. Jesus wants to save you from the mess you are in. Call on him and see what difference he makes.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

women in the church

Now, I didn't like the following verses when I first read them. In fact, I was kind of offended.
Just a qualifier though, these verses refer to women in a place of worship, not in everyday life. It is not referring to in the workplace or home life, but in a worship setting.

1 Timothy 2:11-14
'Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

So, why should women be quiet and submissive? Not teach or have authority over men? I have spent the last few weeks pondering this, and looking into different variations of how to apply these words today. Even though I have looked at different viewpoints, I'm not sure I've got much further though. So, if you have any ideas or comments please let me know.

There are a few certainties I do have as I look at these words:
The Bible is truth, not just some of it but all of it, and it is as relevant today as it was when it was written.
The Bible is the word of God (not the word of man)
Jesus is the best example to look at when trying to figure out things we do not understand.
This passage was written to a congregational gathering; not for everyday application  but for whilst people were gathered to worship, pray and read the scriptures.

So, this blog is really my journey to trying to figure out what this section of scripture means. That women should be quiet, submissive and not have authority over men. Let's face it, it's quite directive.

Firstly, it takes us right back to creation where Eve listened to the serpent (who was the devil) and did what God had told her not to do. Now, it's easy to get a bit annoyed or even angry as a woman when you think about it we can think, 'hey that's not fair, I didn't do that, so why should I be punished for it?' But let's face it; who hasn't got it wrong at some point? If by some amazing miracle no-one had ever sinned up til this point, I would of stuffed up. So, if it wasn't going to be Eve, it would of been me, sorry. Honestly, it could of been any of us. We have free will, we choose, and like it or not, we don't always choose the right way.
The key point in mentioning Eve seems to be that she was deceived, she was lead to believe what wasn't true, she got blinded by something else. Really, she lead Adam into sin because she was deceived then offered him the same route which she took. I'm not saying she forced Adam to do it, he took the fruit as well, but she did pass it on. That's how humanity, and the world has ended up as it is - imperfect and corrupt. We disobey one little thing then it all gets out of hand.

Then, I look at Jesus. He's God walking the Earth as man, so if I want to understand the purpose of God and what the Bible means, I have to look at his example.
Now, Jesus had 12 disciples. How many of them were women? 0. A big fat zero, no women as his disciples. Now, Jesus - he did things that weren't the norm and annoyed quite a few because he didn't do what everyone else did. He did what was right. It is no mistake that the women weren't the ones chosen to lead, teach and demonstrate who God is. Jesus didn't make mistakes. He chose mentor a reason. I'm not saying he disregarded women, not at all. He spoke to women he shouldn't have (according to his culture), he had women friends, he healed women. Women clearly supported and followed him, but they were not given positions of authority as his selected disciples. They supported, enabled and encouraged his ministry, and that of the disciples. Jesus cared for the women around him but he seems to recognise some kind of order in gender. Women are no less important than the men, but we have different roles.

When I consider the above passage from these perspectives what I see overall is that it is about relationships.
In order for men and women to have positive relationships we need to look at our roles within them. Man was created first, and woman was created to be his helper. It doesn't matter if I like it or not. This is what the Bible demonstrates. Women can be strong and lead and teach - look at other examples from the Bible. Proverbs 31 is a great demonstration of a woman of noble character - she is respected because of all she does, she leads, teaches, has skills and responsibilities. Us women want to be useful, we can be, we are important. Jesus speaks to us just as he did when he walked the Earth. He has time for us, God doesn't squash us, in fact he releases us.

What is important is how we respond to one another. Generally, it is easy for women to be vocal, most of us like to chat, but how much are we listening and being taught? How willing are we to learn?

God wants us to live in right relationship with one another. He wants us to live fulfilling lives. He wants us to work together as men and women not to try and outdo one another or prove a point. We are created different for a purpose.

I'm not sure I have come to any conclusions about this passage, but I think it's about how we relate and respond to one another that is important.