Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Train hard

1 Timothy 4:7-8
'Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way'

I really like these verses. They are about training. Training is imperative if you wish to succeed at anything. If you want; a particular job, to lose weight, get fitter, learn a subject, understand about a certain faith, then chances are you'll need to train. You have to put the effort in, you have to try, you have to repeat stuff and you'll need to evaluate your performance and probably adjust your goals. For sure it'll impact your overall life. 

Here scripture tells us that bodily training is of some value.
Some people read this and can dismiss is, 'oh it's only of SOME value'. Like it's not important, I'm going to focus on other things. Yet, that's not what it's saying. Bodily training is of SOME value. It is validated, it is not dismissed, it is of benefit. 
Bodily training does you good. 
I have done some bodily training myself, It is hard work! You need; endurance, focus, insight, knowledge, evaluation and effort. 
If you want to get stronger and better, you must keep going even when it's tough. It will hurt. It will test your limits. Yet you can and will achieve things you never could imagine. You can end up with not just medals, but new friends, a new lease of life, new interests and a new body! 

Bodily training is of value because it helps develop not just our bodies, but our minds and our character. Any kind of physical activity you undertake, you will get to the point where you are; fed up, tired, muscles ache. What do you do then? Give up? Adjust your routine? keep going? 
Bodily training gives us a focus, it helps us develop perseverance and endurance. It enables us to evaluate our own performance and develop inner strength. 
Many people who train for a sport will not always succeed in their goals, yet most do not give up. They evaluate their performance, maybe adjust the training and set another goal. They don't let disappointment overrule. They see the obstacles and figure out what to do about it. 

I can totally see how this relates to training for godliness.

There will always be events that knock us sideways, that take us off track. The important question is; what are you going to do about it? 
Don't let disappointment overrule. Evaluate, adjust and move onwards. 

Training for godliness is hard work. You will need; persistence, strength, endurance, repetition, and the ability to evaluate if you wish to succeed. 1 Corinthians 9:24 says, 'Run in such a way to get the prize'. The fantastic thing about many races nowadays is that everyone gets a medal. The same medal, no matter your speed. 
Every person runs as they have their own medal to achieve. Their own goal. As long as you finish the race you will get the prize. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing, it's about you and your training and the fulfilment of the goal at the end.

We are all invited to run the race of faith. If you take on that challenge -be prepared to work for it. You will need to train. Life is hard, it has ups and downs that you will need to get through. You will need to persevere, you will be required to put in hard work and endure. If you do, there will be moments of great joy as you overcome. As you achieve what you once felt impossible, and you will receive the prize.

Godliness is of value in every way. Bodily training is important, but what is more important is the eternal state of our souls.

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