Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Love and Hatred

Hatred stirs up strife, 
but love covers all offences
Proverbs 10:12

This verse is about love and hatred -  two intense emotions, opposite in their nature and effects. Lets have a look at them. 

Now, I don't think anyone really sets out to hate anyone or anything. It's usually that an offence has been made, there may of been a conflict and it has been unsatisfactorily resolved. This then can cause mistrust, resentment, annoyance- hatred. People don't usually intend to hate things, it's not the goal, it is an unfortunate conclusion.
I think we can all see that hatred is not a positive, fulfilling emotion. It is not something that makes us feel good. In fact when our attention is upon the person or thing that causes hatred, an immense anger can swell up within us. We can be consumed by thoughts of vengeance, or as my kids like to call it 'payback'. We stir ourselves up, get wound up, and though these thoughts may never be put into action, our hearts, bodies and minds go into overdrive. We are ready to cause some 'strife'! 
In fact, we've already caused strife because of the way we respond. It causes strife within us let alone around us. We feel uneasy, unhappy, angry and hurt when we consider the object of hatred. That's not a way most of us want to be going about our daily lives.

So, what about love?

Love is often associated with feelings - deep affection, a preference of one person or thing to another. When we love someone/thing we put ourselves ou and we overlook offences. We give people a chance and try to think the best of them. We allow people to get things wrong, guide them and help them in what we believe is a better way. 
We have to accept at times that we will disagree, but even if there's conflict, we make an effort to restore relationship. We don't continually bring a list of another's faults to attention every time we think of them, we 'cover' their offences. This means we forgive and move on. 

So, looking at it objectively, love is always the better way. The results are clearly different. 

Can we exchange one feeling for another? 

I look at what the outcome of love is, and see that we demonstrate love (or hate) in the choices we make. Do we try to make up when we've fallen out with someone? Do we forgive? Do we make an effort to straighten things out so that we can continue to disagree but not let it effect our ongoing relationships? Do we continue to focus on the negative?

The definition of love is a strong affection, but I would argue that it is much more than that. Love is proved in action. It takes time and needs to be demonstrated. If you love someone they would know by what you do. 

So,  if you're struggling with hatred today, it would probably be far too difficult to jump into love. What you can do is be mindful of what you do and say. Love and hatred require action. If you want to get rid of the anger, bitterness and resentment then you can choose today what you are going to do about it. It won't be easy, but it is a choice only you can make. 

Live in love or remain on hatred?

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