Thursday, 26 October 2017

Can I make a difference?

We can look around us and feel overwhelmed. There are soooooo many people in the world, I am just one of many. Like in a shoal of fish, I am just a single fish swimming about doing my daily thing 
Does it matter what I do? If I even exist? Can I really make a difference by being here? Does it really matter if I recycle/donate to charity/shop locally what difference can I really make? Does the little that I do matter? 
I guess the overall question is, can one person make a difference? 

Well, let's look at a few examples:

>Jonah - you probably have heard the story of the guy who got swallowed by a whale, that's Jonah. He didn't go where God told him, so he got swallowed by a giant fish. After that though, he did actually go where he was meant to, even though he still didn't want to and was pretty grumpy about it. The result, the whole city was saved from destruction! The king even repented, one man caused a city to listen to God! That was 120,000 people saved all because of one man, Jonah. Due to one man's obedience to God (even though it was against his own wishes) 120,000 people were saved from destruction. Their lives were literally and spiritually saved. 

>Esther is another example, she won favour in the King's sight, and saved the Jews from annihilation. Just because she stood up for what she knew was right even though she could of died in the process. She did what she felt was right, and a whole people group were saved.

>Gideon, oh I love the story of Gideon. He was hiding in a pit when God called him out to save the nation! He was hiding away, he knew he was the least of the least he could even prove it, yet God called him out! Gideon wasn't confident, but God assured him. Then Gideon ended up leading the people into victorious battle. Gideon recognised his own weaknesses, he accepted how small he was. He didn't have confidence in his own abilities, but in God's. 

>Then, how about Tabitha. Now, this woman may not be someone you recall reading about in the Bible, but she's there in Acts 9. She was known and loved for her, 'good works and acts of charity'. She was mourned when she died, people came to see her because of all the kind things she had done for them. She made an impact because of the way she served others practically. This lady didn't save nations or lead battles, but she faithfully served and loved those around her. 

These people, are all known for the difference they've made in this world.

We are not all going to become world renowned leaders like Gideon, or saviours of a city or nation like Jonah or Esther, but can we be known for kindness and love towards others.

Can you make a difference in this world? 

Your life touches the lives of many whether you realise it or not. We will not all become world-renowned leaders or saviours of cities and nations, some of us will, but not all. So, what difference can you make

What is the impression you leave those around you with? 
You are a representative of God in this world so you are created to make a difference. Use what you have to do what you can, that is how you can make a difference. Even if you feel you have little like Gideon or Tabitha, you can still use the little. If God is telling you to do/not do something go with it whether you want to or not, you never know what God is going to do and the influence he can give you. You and I have the power to effect lives. 

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