Tuesday, 28 November 2017

we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard

Acts 4:20
"we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

Who feels like that when you've witnessed something? If you've seen something significant, something out of the ordinary, what do you do? You want to share the news right? Tel others about it, whether it's a tragic, exciting or unusual situation we like to talk about the things that intrigue and interest us. This is just what the disciples did. 

In the verse above, Peter and John, two of the disciples had been hauled up in front of the religious leaders of the time. They'd been questioned about what was going on and warned not to speak about Jesus any more. Their response; "we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.”

They both knew that what they had seen, what thy had experienced and now understood had to be told. It was a compulsion, an acknowledgment that they'd seen something marvellous, they were witnesses to Jesus; ministry, death, resurrection and ascension. How could they not talk about it? 

Peter and John displayed; boldness, honesty, integrity, courage and determination. Why? Because they could not deny the truth. They knew what they knew and they knew what they'd seen, these things could not be denied. No matter what, they were going to continue to tell and show people who Jesus is. Do you live your faith the same? Have you had an encounter with God that is undeniable? Has He changed your life? Have you been impacted by the Holy Spirit? If the answer to any of these is yes, are you telling people about it? Are you sharing the good news with boldness as these disciples did? 

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Impact of the Spirit!

I'm reading through the book of Acts at the moment, if you want to be excited about being a Christian, this is a good book of the Bible to read! 
It has some fabulous recollections of what happened and can happen. It will probably challenge you too. 

The last couple of weeks I have been pondering on when the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost. There were about 120 followers of Jesus at this point, and they were all in one place. 

In Acts 2 it says it was Pentecost. Pentecost was a celebration already in the Jewish calendar. It's a bit like our harvest festival celebrations. It's a holiday where there was no work, and Jews would go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to give thanks to God for the harvest and celebrate. So, for the disciples they were probably gathering together on the special day to do just that. To remember God's provision, goodness and to celebrate who God is and Jesus is. They were all in one place. Then all of a sudden there's this weird loud noise like wind, then tongues of fire appear and rested on them and before they know it they are all speaking in different languages! 

Now, for anyone who's been a Christian for any length of time will probably know about speaking in tongues, but if you've never encountered it before - this is WEIRD! The disciplines knew Jesus told them to wait for the Holy Spirit, but I don't think they'd ever of imagined this!
They all speak in different languages having seen and heard some weird wind and fire. Now that is not an everyday occurrence, this event would be noticed - Imagine if that happened in your house during someone's birthday celebration - that would be odd right? People would notice and gather around to figure out what is going on. This is exactly what happened, those who'd come to Jerusalem to celebrate the harvest heard this commotion and gathered round. People like a mystery, they want to discover and unravel it if possible. These people who had gathered in Jerusalem came from all over the place, different towns and cities, they had different ways of life and even spoke different languages. So, these people gather round to see what is happening and they hear these regular guys all from the same town, speaking in their own language! They hear several different languages being spoken do that they all have the chance to ear about who Jesus is. Isn't that incredible?! Common, everyday men being obedient to God, not understanding themselves what's going on, but doing what Jesus said, then suddenly they are impacted by the Holy Spirit and end up telling a massive crowd about Jesus in people's original language! 


The whole city of Jerusalem heard about this event, and now the whole world knows about it because it's in the Bible. What an impact waiting for the Holy Spirit makes! If you've never encountered the Holy Spirit, do what the disciples did - be obedient and wait. Once the Spirit comes, there's no denying it! People will see a change and be intrigued by it. 

The next part of the story is even more incredible - are you ready for this??
The number of Christians increased from 120 to over 3,000 in just one day - talk about exponential growth! 

Can you imagine what your town would look like if the Holy Spirit impacted your life or church in the same way? 

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

The Kingdom of Heaven is near

I have noticed that the Kingdom of God is an important New Testament theme. 
It is John the baptist's message, before Jesus came along, he was telling people to; 'repent for the kingdom of heaven is near' (matthew 3:2). John was the preparation for Jesus ministry. He prepared the way, and declared about this coming Kingdom. 

Think about it, if the kingdom of heaven is near, if the place where God dwells is coming close, that could be a pretty scary message and certainly requires urgent action! That's why John was stirring people up, he saw God was coming, and recognised that people had better do something about it! When you realise God is coming close, that demands action. 

When Jesus began to teach, he himself taught the same thing, 'the kingdom of heaven is near' (Matthew 4:17). The same message applies, God is coming! What are you doing about it? 
Jesus taught a lot about the kingdom of heaven. He gave us lots of images to show us what the kingdom of heaven is like (for example; a seed, feast, treasure). Jesus himself, the son of God told us at the kingdom of heaven is near, and attempted to describe what it's like. Even when Jesus was resurrected he still was; 'speaking about the kingdom of God.' 
Clearly, this message about the Kingdom of heaven is important. Jesus spent his time talking about it, John before him spoke about the kingdom of heaven being near, Jesus rose form the dead and talked about it. So, why are we not preoccupied with the kingdom of God but the kingdom of the world?

I want to encourage you to consider, today, that this message is no less urgent; 'the kingdom of heaven is near' - what are you going to do about it? 

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Last words

Acts 1:7-8
These two verses contain the last words of Jesus before his ascension. As these were the last things he had to say to the apostles before he ascended to heaven, then they must surely be pretty important. The very last words anyone speaks before they leave this Earth are considered important, how much more so when the one who speaks them is the son of God! 
So, here is what Jesus had to say, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

Firstly, Jesus answers their previous question about Israel being restored. He basically tells them not to worry about when and how things happen. God knows the plan, he's got the timing sorted, so don't panic. Don't worry about it, God has it in hand. Jesus gives us permission not to get consumed or tied up with; when, where, what, if and how. We don't need to concern ourselves about these things as they are in the best hands possible. God has fixed the times and seasons by His own authority. So they are immovable, certain and secure. 

Instead of being concerned about those things, Jesus tells his disciples to 'receive power' when the Holy Spirit comes on them. Jesus lets them know it is going to happen, they just need to wait to receive it. The Holy Spirit was a long-awaited promise for the disciples, I wonder if they knew what to expect? Jesus says the Holy Spirit will give you power. What a great promise. Some of the power of God is delegated to you through the Holy Spirit. You do not have the power to authorise time, but you do have the power of the Holy Spirit. 

So, what is this power for? 
Jesus says it is to, "be my witnesses". The disciples were waiting to be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to show who Jesus is. To share what they'd seen and experienced near and far. That is the purpose of the power of the Holy Spirit to declare who Jesus is and tell others about him. This expectation was not just for the disciples, it's for us too. We have the privilege of the power of the Holy Spirit accessible to us. What are you doing with it? 

Jesus' last words to those following him were his expectation that they would tell others about all that had gone on, that they would testify everywhere they went to who Jesus is. If you're following Jesus, this is his expectation of you too. 

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Lion and Shepherd

Recently I've been pondering the fact that christians often talk about God being like a lion and a shepherd. They seem quite contrasting images, so what do they reveal to us about God?

When you think of a lion, what do you think of? 
I am reminded of an animal with great power, the 'king' of beasts, majestic. An animal which has ferocious loyalty, and will protect it's family at any cost. 

How about a shepherd?
A shepherd usually conjures up images of fluffy sheep on beautiful green fields. However, the reality of being a shepherd is quite different. David told us that he, 'used to keep sheep for his father. And when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth. And if he arose against me, I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him. Your servant has struck down both lions and bear' (1 Samuel 17:34). 
Being a shepherd is a serious job, and seriously dangerous! A shepherd has to be a strong and fearless protector. To do what David describes, he must really love those sheep! If he didn't - would he put his own life at risk?

Both of these images - the lion and the shepherd show how fiercely God loves us. 
We are his family, we are his 'sheep'. He fights for you. He is a strong and fearless protector. He put his life at risk for you.

When Jesus died on the cross he showed how precious his sheep are to him. He put his life on the line, and he lost it. Why? So that we don't have to be destroyed by our enemy, the devil, any more. Jesus fought the greatest enemy we could ever face, and he won. He is on the look out and will protect us if we decide to come into his family. He will love and protect us as fiercely as a lion or a shepherd. You will be safe. Life will still bring battles, but you'll have the king on your side.