Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Last words

Acts 1:7-8
These two verses contain the last words of Jesus before his ascension. As these were the last things he had to say to the apostles before he ascended to heaven, then they must surely be pretty important. The very last words anyone speaks before they leave this Earth are considered important, how much more so when the one who speaks them is the son of God! 
So, here is what Jesus had to say, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

Firstly, Jesus answers their previous question about Israel being restored. He basically tells them not to worry about when and how things happen. God knows the plan, he's got the timing sorted, so don't panic. Don't worry about it, God has it in hand. Jesus gives us permission not to get consumed or tied up with; when, where, what, if and how. We don't need to concern ourselves about these things as they are in the best hands possible. God has fixed the times and seasons by His own authority. So they are immovable, certain and secure. 

Instead of being concerned about those things, Jesus tells his disciples to 'receive power' when the Holy Spirit comes on them. Jesus lets them know it is going to happen, they just need to wait to receive it. The Holy Spirit was a long-awaited promise for the disciples, I wonder if they knew what to expect? Jesus says the Holy Spirit will give you power. What a great promise. Some of the power of God is delegated to you through the Holy Spirit. You do not have the power to authorise time, but you do have the power of the Holy Spirit. 

So, what is this power for? 
Jesus says it is to, "be my witnesses". The disciples were waiting to be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to show who Jesus is. To share what they'd seen and experienced near and far. That is the purpose of the power of the Holy Spirit to declare who Jesus is and tell others about him. This expectation was not just for the disciples, it's for us too. We have the privilege of the power of the Holy Spirit accessible to us. What are you doing with it? 

Jesus' last words to those following him were his expectation that they would tell others about all that had gone on, that they would testify everywhere they went to who Jesus is. If you're following Jesus, this is his expectation of you too. 

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