In 1 Samuel 17 we meet the famous story of David and Goliath, it's a great story about how the underdog wins. The unexpected happens, and good triumphs over evil. I think many of us could probably recite the story as it's so well known, but do you ever stop to wonder how something so impossible become possible?
One thing I noticed this time were the stark differences between David and Goliath:
David, a young, handsome man, known for looking after sheep and playing music, against a warrior giant equipped with a shield, armour, javelin and sword. Can you imagine??? Then, can you imagine a king willingly sending David off against Goliath??? That makes no sense! So, why did Saul allow it?
Maybe he was scared, or realised there weren't really any other options. On the other hand David must of been filled with the supreme confidence of the Holy Spirit - he had the confidence to approach Saul and persuade him that he could and should go against Goliath - who steps up for a challenge like that?
David knew what was possible for his God, not for himself.
He knew that the Lord had rescued him from lions and bears before. He must of reasoned - God has done it before, why wouldn't He do it again?
David's confidence was not in his earthly condition (unlike Goliath) but in the supreme condition of his God - Where's your confidence? Is it in the circumstances you are in? In the security of your house, finance, family, even your own abilities? How deep does your confidence in these things go? Be honest with yourself, if you were to face Goliath today, what would you trust in? Where's your confidence?
David knew that no matter how; fearsome, protected, strong, confident, capable and defiant Goliath was, God was stronger. He had confidence not in himself, but in God. That's the sign of a champion!