Wednesday, 20 June 2018


In one sentence, how would someone describe you? 

It's worth thinking about, I came across this description of David. It's just one sentence, but wow what a sentence! "Behold, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence, and the Lord is with him.” (1 Samuel 16:17–18)

I'm not sure how people would describe me, I'd like to think they'd have nice things to say, but I'm not sure I'd reach David's level of character quality. David, although he was young, was already demonstrating great abilities and character. 
Firstly, he's skilled - to be skilled at something takes practice, effort, perseverance. Yes, you can have talent but to become skilled at something takes time.
David is also a man of courage, a man not afraid to fight, he probably has physical strength and confidence, even understanding of battle. 
Then David even looks good! Don't you just hate people that seem to have it all? Intelligent, strong, good at things, handsome? well David seems like one of those people! The lovely thing is though that it didn't seem to phase him, he has these qualities but he's also, 'prudent in speech' so he doesn't brag about it. He is wise in his speech. He was considered and careful when he spoke, not a man of rash words or flattery, no exaggeration, just shrewd speech. No wonder then that, "the Lord is with him." David had great character, character that takes time to develop, and God was with him. These qualities could have had David walking towards to success anyway, but the key part of this verse is this bit, that God himself was with him. 

I wonder if the young man realised that the quality of David's character was due to the fact that God was with him? 

Is it evident that God is with you through your character? 

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