Wednesday, 4 July 2018

What are you fighting for?

What are you fighting for? Or maybe a better question would be - Who are you fighting for?

In 1 Samuel we can read about the infamous battle of the Israelites and Philistines. David and Goliath going head to head - Goliath fighting for his country, for the increase of their power and land. David, what did he fight for? 
David himself says so; "that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hand.” 1 Samuel 17:47 (ESV)

David fought, not for renown, power, glory, land or even patriotism, he fought because he knew this battle was God's. 

He saw and heard the defiance of the enemy, against his God and that offended him. He had such connection with God, such fervour and love for Him that he had to do something about it. Have you ever felt like that when someone is talking badly about someone you love? You have to stand up for them. You have to do something about it. It's not a conscious decision or a thought through process. The offence seeps into your heart because of the earnest loving connection you have. Ever felt like that?

What amazes me is that David had that level of earnest loving connection with God! He knew God. Not just knew about him, he knew God. He knew His presence, His friendship, His values and expectations. So when someone came against God, starts bad-mouthing Him and His people, it was David's natural response to stand up and fight. Not that God needs our protection, but this is the natural response of deep friendship. David stands up, goes forward and empowered by his love of God fights the fight. David's passion for God leads him into the battle. It wasn't his own pride or concern for his own self-esteem, it was his recognition of who God is that he could not let this enemy defy. David knew that as soon as he stepped up, that God would be right there with him. When you stand up for God's causes, He is right there with you. David knew that it wasn't even his own fight, but God's. When you have so much assurance that you are fighting with God and His purposes, victory is secure! 

So next time, before you prepare for the next fight in your life, consider - Who's fight is it? Is the battle you're fighting God's? 

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