Thursday, 3 January 2019

Are you important?

Have you ever wondered what kind of person you are?
What importance you have?
Or are you stuck in the world’s rut of constantly striving for more?

It’s easy to think that we are not much in this world.  We are surrounded by; media stories, celebrity influence, and the competitive culture to become more. There is an incessant drive in this world to; do more, create more and ultimately become more than we already are.
It’s as if who we are isn’t enough.
There’s even the competitive nature that springs into action about how busy we are. It’s as if, if we do more then we become more. Then we brag about it as if there’s greater respect the more we do. But is it really true?

The world, our culture, is obsessed by the necessity to become better than it currently is. The drive is to become better so that you can become more recognised and feel more valued.

What a desperate and unfulfilling way to live - To be constantly reminded that who we are is not enough. To be continually trying to become someone greater, more important, of greater influence and value. To keep doing more, to become more - how exhausting! Constantly waking up not feeling good enough, working all day to try and become more than you are - how do you ever achieve the more you’re after anyway - once you’ve reached one goalpost - where’s the next?
What an exhausting competitive culture we try to conform to!

Well folks -  I have good news!

You don’t need to lead this exhausting life anymore! Because;

‘you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.’
1 Peter 2:9.
English Standard Version

You have already made it!

You have already achieved what you need to. You are already chosen, you are of importance, in fact - you are royalty! If you’re not feeling good enough - hold that thought because  you are, in fact, holy!

You belong. You have been forgiven. You are important. You are also; welcomed, recognised, valued and honoured. What other acclaim could you be looking for?!!

We have achieved and received the acclaim that the world is looking for!
You are enough, who you are is valued, you are an important person of influence, and you didn’t do anything to get it!! God gave you these things when you first believed in Jesus.

You don’t need to strive for more - you need to believe you ARE more!

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