Saturday, 23 March 2019

Is it all vanity?

Working hard and playing hard - is that what life is about?
Seeking after enjoyment - does that fulfil you?
Leaving a legacy for future generations -is that the purpose of life?

We all question ourselves and rightly so, about our purpose in life, what conclusions have you come to in your ponderings? What do you live your life for? Have you found purpose and meaning in what you strive for?

The writer of a book in the Bible called Ecclesiastes also ponders these very questions. He was the wisest and probably the richest man who ever lived - King Solomon (son of David). He, with the wisdom he’d been blessed with pondered such questions as these - and the conclusion he came to?
all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.’
 Ecclesiastes 2:11.

Mmmm, that’s not so encouraging is it?!

Solomon saw that whatever you achieve in life doesn’t really last. The pleasure found in an activity - temporal, the success from work - fades, and the legacy you leave for others - do they make the most of it?
At the end of your life what will you have to show for your years on earth?

What does working hard achieve?
What does enjoying life produce?
What does accumulating wealth do?

It leads me to wonder - is there a greater meaning to life?

The pleasure and rewards from the things we see and experience on Earth last a little time. So what real gain is there in anything?

Solomon’s conclusion is this; ‘So I hated life, because what is done under the sun was grievous to me, for all is vanity and a striving after wind.’
 Ecclesiastes 2:17.

So, if you’ve ever hated your life, felt desperate and hopeless then you’re not alone - even the wisest man in history felt the same!

The thing is though, there IS more to life than these things, so far these thoughts are all self-centred. About our achievements, our legacy, our pleasure. These ponderings are about what does it do for me?

Is all of life meant to be about you?

If the point of life it to; work, seek pleasure, gain wisdom, live in folly, gain wealth, accumulate stuff, be healthy, then it IS all vanity. It’s all just to make us feel better and to make us look good or feel good for a while.
Solomon admits;
’12*I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; *13*also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.' 
Ecclesiastes 3:12 –13

So, appreciate and enjoy the things you have. Not because you have them but because they are given by God. Just changing your perspective in this way makes things different. The small pleasures of life have purpose because God created them. God has given them to you. There’s a difference in that. If someone makes you a cup of tea it’s always nicer than one you’ve made for yourself because someone else has considered you and served you. A simple but real example. We value the things given to us more than the things we gain for ourselves. When we see that someone else has made an effort for us it increases our value and appreciation.
Now, pause to consider - what has God done for you this week? It could be something simple. What have you got that you value -  Did you know God gave you that in your life?

The good news doesn’t stop there, the following verses say this; ’14*I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it.’
Ecclesiastes 3:14 - 15.

God never changes, He endures, He is unbeatable, He is experienced, He is good, He is ultimate. He gives you the life you have, the things in it and He has done it for a purpose greater than your own. Your life is not full of vanity if you know God is in it. Your life is purposeful and hopeful. You have great gifts and great pleasures to come.

Look around you and see the great things God has given you today.
Look around you to see the value of your life.

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