*3* How great are his signs,
how mighty his wonders!
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and his dominion endures from generation to generation.
Daniel 4:1–3.
What a start to a letter!
You’d expect some pretty great stuff to be revealed from that intro wouldn’t you?! The promise of great signs and mighty wonders! If a letter from the king wasn’t enough to warrant listening to it, then this assurance of some exciting news is surely enticing to the hearer! King Nebuchadnezzar is declaring to his kingdom that there is a God that; is Most High, has worked on his behalf, performs signs, completes wonders, lasts forever and is for everybody. That’s an impressive opening!
This God that Nebuhadnezzar has finally seen, is the same God that Daniel, Azariah, Mishael and Hananiah have followed and shown to him - The God of Israel. Previously, to Nebuchadnezzar, the conqueror of many nations, this god was just another foreign god. One of many, as insignificant and powerless as any of the others. Now, he refers to the God of Israel as ‘the Most High God’. God is above all else. He is exalted above any other idea, doctrine or thing. Clearly, there has been some kind of revelation that Nebuchadnezzar has experienced to pick out this god out as of significance. This ruthless, proud, Babylonian king, has seen something of who God is, and he wants to share it, not just with those close to him - but the whole kingdom!
Can you sense the excitement in the first paragraph of this letter? It is like there are not enough words to commend this God to his readers. Are you or I that excited about who God is?
What have you seen or heard about God's wonders? How has God shown himself to you? Are you sharing that with others who do not yet believe?
*3* How great are his signs,
how mighty his wonders!
His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,
and his dominion endures from generation to generation.
Nebuchadnezzar did not get a lot of things right, and it isn't certain that he fully understood what faith in Israel's God was like - did he just worship this god along with others? or did he realise the fullness and reality that this god isn't just higher than anything else, but is exclusively to be worshipped? Yet he gets this right. He has seen something of who God is, and he wants to share it. Not just in his court or palace, but to anyone and everyone, so that they too can live knowing this God, maybe even so that they can be saved from experiences like he had. Doesn't that inspire you? A pagan king, seemingly a hardhearted man, can still be reached with the gospel, and when he is - it changes his mindset and his life.
So, today, consider;
Who are you intentionally sharing God's good news with?
What would your introduction to God be like?
How can you prove his existence, what signs and wonders are you able to describe in order to reveal God to people?
It may be worth your while having a think about it and writing it down, then sharing it - who knows whom you could inspire to follow God - maybe even a king!