As we consider Daniel’s life, we can see that he had times when he was valued and revered, and times when he was forgotten and overlooked. We first met Daniel when he was a young teenage exile thrust into leadership in the Babylonian empire. Over time he was promoted and trusted with solving king Nebuchadnezzar’s problems, Daniel also had responsibility in the kingdom. Then, years later, during Belshazzar’s reign, Daniel is unknown. Daniel went from a position of prominence to oblivion. The influence and responsibility he once had disappeared, and the Belshazzar does not even know who Daniel is. He is only informed about Daniel in his last hours on earth, yet Daniel is still introduced to him as someone of excellent character and capability, and proves his God-given ability to continue to solve dilemma, he has not changed. Next comes Darius, (the conqueror of Babylon), and we find out in the following verses his impression of Daniel;
It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom 120 satraps, to be throughout the whole kingdom; *2*and over them three high officials, of whom Daniel was one, to whom these satraps should give account, so that the king might suffer no loss. *3*Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.
Daniel 6:1–6:3.
Darius again discovers the 'excellent spirit' that is in Daniel that Belshazzar was ignorant of, and Darius commends and elevates Daniel's position once again. From prominence in his youth, to a substantial time of oblivion from public servitude, to again a period of recognition and responsibility when he is approaching 90 years old!
Yet, Daniel’s character and faith had not changed. He is a man of God from chapter 1 throughout his life, even during the overlooked years he remains faithful to God, as when he is introduced to Belshazzar, it is as a man with ‘an excellent spirit, knowledge and understanding’, so clearly his reputation and character had not changed, just the position that he was given by men had.
We see from this account of Daniel’s life that wherever Daniel was, and whatever job role he had, he was still a man who had ‘an excellent spirit’. Is that how you are known wherever you are, whatever you are doing?
How we behave, how we regard God should not change even when situations in life do. God does not change, but man's opinion and esteem of us can, just like it did with Daniel. Some people will appreciate the God-given abilities we have, others will reject and hate it.
Daniel stood out because he was a follower of God. No matter where he was or what he was doing, he was faithful and committed to serving God from his youth through to old age. This made him different in how he handled himself and other people. It was something outstanding and undefinable to the rest of the world, so some accepted it and others rejected it. Nebuchadnezzar did not understand it, but he made use of the wisdom and insight of Daniel, Belshazzar rejected and ignored it, and Darius put to work the ‘excellent spirit’ within him. It is the same for you. People will either accept you for who you are, or they will reject you. If you are living a God-fueled life, do not be surprised by it, but remain faithful. Jesus tells us we will be rejected by some on account of our faith (Luke 10:16 ‘the one who rejects you rejects me’). It is not really us that is accepted or rejected, but the one whom we accept as the Living God. Daniel experienced it, and if you are serious about your faith you will experience it too. When we live our lives for God, it is acceptable to some and repugnant to others. It is the Jesus in you that they are accepting or rejecting. So do not despair if you are being overlooked or rejected. Take comfort in the fact that this happens for the glory of God, because you are displaying Jesus to people and not everyone can handle it, and take inspiration from the life of Daniel also lived unnoticed and unappreciated - but he did not fail to continue following God, to continue to be the man of ‘excellent spirit’ that he was.
The truth is that when we live for God, we cease to live for mankind, or even for ourselves. When we truly have ‘an excellent spirit’, it does not matter which opportunities come or go, we will still have our character, and our God. We take that wherever we are and whatever we do, are you a person of excellent spirit?
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