Tuesday, 21 March 2023

Have mercy whilst saving others

Following on from the instructions of how to live; to build your faith, pray in the Spirit and keep in God’s love, Jude now tells us what we should do about these erroneous teachers and those swayed by them;

 *22*have mercy on those who doubt; *23*save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh. 

Jude 22–23.

Do you notice that Jude, surprisingly, does not tell us to kick those living an unclean life out of the community of believers? Neither does he advise us to ignore them, or tell them off. Instead Jude tells us to, ‘have mercy’. It is so easy to judge or berate people when they get it wrong, yet Jude, as Jesus would, instructs us to have mercy. Even though they have got it wrong and are enticing others to do the same and it may seem right to punish them or berate them, the instruction here, is to have compassion and show forgiveness. Isn't that quite radical? Jude is quite clear, as he twice repeats the need for mercy. Payback, punishment or a good tongue-lashing are not the answer to help these people. Instead we should have compassion on them - why? For one thing, the reality is that each one of us are susceptible to sin. It could be any one of us that goes astray. Plus, we have all already been shown significant grace and mercy by God. Isn't it then our duty to extend that to others? 

Jesus instructs his followers, "in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12). Or, as we often say at home, treat others as you would like to be treated. So, think about it, how would you like to be led back to Jesus if you go off path? Would a good telling off do it or a punishment turn you back? Or would a merciful chat, guidance and demonstrations of love help you more? 

As you seek to restore those that have wandered away from God's best for their lives; Be warned; it isn't easy. Jude says, ‘Save others by snatching them out of the fire, to others show mercy with fear’. This verse shows the danger, 'snatching', fear'. It could be scary for you. You will be putting yourself in a dangerous situation where the enemy is at work, you are seeking to save those blinded by satan and you could be harmed too. So be aware and be careful. Jude purposefully put his instructions for how you should live your life before how to help those in error - your connection and dependence on God will be essential for you to come through this yourself. That is why you need to continue to; build your faith, pray in the Spirit and keep in God’s love, You must have that as an embedded part of yourself and your faith before you can attempt to help others out of the fire. 

It is also good to be aware of your own responses and temptations. If others are being led astray by things that you have been caught up with before, are you now in a condition to help or will it still be a temptation for you? You need to continue to build your faith remember, so do not get involved in things that may cause it to topple - satan would like nothing more! 

The first way to help those that are going awry, is to have mercy on those that are doubting. Don't tell them off, or spout of loads of verses, but listen with compassion, and then ask them what they thing the Bible says about it - get their view and then encourage them as to the truth. This situation is a need for discipleship and encouragement and hopefully they will follow. The next set Jude refers to are those that you can 'snatch' out of the fire. The warning here for you is not to get too close - getting too near fire burns, and can cause you damage.So, be quick, don't spend lengths of time in that environment, but remember it's a smash n grab situation. Get in, get out. You may need to repeat this, but don't spend too long otherwise the fire of sin will hurt you. ' to others show mercy with fear,' there are other situations that can't just harm you, but can also cause you to become embroiled in things that you really don't want to be. Getting close to those that sin can cause you to be tempted into it yourself, or in some way, to be lead to think,'oh, i'll just do this, this isn't so bad', and then a spiral can form in your own life. That is why, when seeking to help those out of their messes you too need to be concerned for yourself. It is a dangerous place to be, and the enemy is sneaky and inviting, so keep the fear of losing what you have. This doesn't mean that you should avoid trying to rescue people, but you do need to prioritise looking after yourself. I have seen people really come very close to those who are stuck and wandering off, seeming to be at their beck and call, but here Jude is telling us that it is a snatch n grab job. It is not an intense, sit in and smoulder situation - you will get damaged if you do that, even though you are trying to do something good. Remember your priorities;  build your faith, pray in the Spirit and keep in God’s love. This comes first. If you are finding that you do not have time for these things, or that you cannot be as bothered to do them when you are trying to help others, then return to building up yourself first, because you cannot be much help to yourself or others otherwise. 

The positive things that i see about these instructions are that;

1) God wants to protect us

2) God has mercy on everyone

3) We are able to help those that others may consider a lost cause by showing mercy

How incredible, that once we have developed strength and faith in ourselves, we can be invited into helping others who have gone off piste, and return them to relationship with God. 

So, based on these thoughts today, what is it you need to do or change?

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