Monday, 8 January 2024

Are you good?

Today as we look at the next psalm, it is important to note that there is another psalm, 53, that is almost identical. So the message of this psalm is doubly important as the Bible has the same message in the same book twice! 

1  The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” 
They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds; 
there is none who does good. 
Who can look at the world and all that is in it and not believe there is a God? Or look at the way all things work together, from the organs of the smallest beast to the structure of the most magnificent tree and not recognise that there must be a master creator, designer and sustainer of all things? Only a fool, says the psalmist, can see these things and not consider that there must be a God. The result of this foolish conclusion is living a life without God. As a person rejects God and refuses to even consider the reality of Him, they move away from the source of goodness and love (which is God) and so cannot do what is correct, right, loving, honest or honourable. This leads to the degradation and contortion of character, mindset and desires and develops into; debasement, abuse, degradation, manipulation, and revolting activities. People become corrupt when they turn away from God and do whatever they wish. They live as if they are the master and creator, designer and sustainer of their own existence which leads to distress and despair in the lives of many. It is not good. 

2  The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, 
to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. 
3  They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; 
there is none who does good, not even one. 
As God beholds what happens on Earth, it does not take Him long to see evil. To see those who have gone away from Him and lead lives of corrupt abomination. In fact, it is difficult for Him to find people that are doing right and are looking for Him. When God looks around He concludes, ‘all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one.’ Mankind is in a desperate state. When God looks, He sees no righteous or good people around. 
This may be hard to consider and you may think that you know some 'good' people, yet is any human truly good? Are anyone’s motives pure, innocent, honest? If you could look from God’s perspective, what would you see? You would probably conclude, as He does that every person on Earth has failed to do good but have done some terrible things. Even those that believe and trust in God go awry. They are not truly good either plus they are not whole-heartedly seeking God - they get worn out, selfish and distracted too. So, as God looks upon the Earth we should not be surprised that no-one is good. His standard of goodness is far above ours! All of mankind has failed. We have all gone our own way - you have, I have, others have, so we have all failed to be good and we have all failed to live God-filled lives. 
Therefore as we cannot achieve the level of goodness or godliness God is looking for, how can any of us understand Him or His designs and purposes? Yet, as God looks down upon His world He wishes to find those that are looking for Him -  that is what He is searching for. He is not looking for corruption, debasement and sin, trying to catch people out - God wants to find people who are good and who seeking Him, and He keeps searching. What kind of person will He find when He looks at you?

4  Have they no knowledge, all the evildoers 
who eat up my people as they eat bread 
and do not call upon the Lord? 
5  There they are in great terror, 
for God is with the generation of the righteous. 
Even as God looks on and sees the corruption, lack of people following Him and absence of good in the world, He has pity. How can people eat and drink the very things God has made and not recognise Him? God clearly feels sad and concerned about the way people are living - not for His own sake, but for theirs. Instead of appreciating the provision and life they have, the opportunities and delights, people take everyday blessings for granted and end up not just consuming food to live, but end up consuming the lives of others in order to have more themselves. People can think this is success, profit, achievement. Yet cannot see that depravity, distress and the debasement of life is never good or fulfilling. So the spiral into sin continues as mankind do not learn or seek to learn that life can be different. Instead they continue in selfish ignorance seeking after more at the expense of others. They are in great danger. For there is a God that looks upon the Earth. He sees the abuse of His world and His people and it grieves and angers Him. Those who are oblivious and unconcerned about His presence and power are living in great peril. For the Almighty God sees and will act. One day, anyone that has been living in ignorance or disobedience to God will feel the terror of their decisions. Will that be you?

6  You would shame the plans of the poor, 
but the Lord is his refuge. 
7  Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! 
When the Lord restores the fortunes of his people, 
let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad. 
Those that are overlooked or oppressed will be upheld by God Himself. Even if others shame them, treat them with derision and abuse them, God looks out for them. He will rescue them and be their strength - The Lord is on their side. If that is you - rejoice! If you know that you have treated others in such a manner - tremble! For God will, ‘restore the fortunes of His people’ - one day we will all get what we deserve. Are you living to receive the terror or salvation of God?
Even though God has looked down and seen the awful state of humanity and the evil and lack of good in each person, He still cares about His creation. He still loves and wants the best for those He has made this is why there is the hope of salvation. When this psalm was written, there was the hope and looking forward to a time when people could be truly restored, forgiven and made good. Now those things are attainable. Salvation has come from Zion (v7)! Through Jesus, the son of God, salvation has arrived. No longer do you have to worry yourself about being good enough because Jesus was - he lived the perfect life of goodness that no-one else could achieve. He did that, then he traded that life for a gruesome death in order to put to death all your ungodliness, corruption and vileness. Now you can be free from all sin and wickedness and considered by God as good. This happens when you trust and believe in Jesus and all that he did, and accept that he sacrificed his life as the pure and final atonement for sin. Then, like Jesus, you can live a new life. One where the old has been put to death. You can be forgiven, restored and made good because Jesus goodness can become your goodness. If you decide to live a life seeking God and trusting in Jesus for freedom from sin, then when God looks upon the Earth he will see you and see you as good. As, when he looks at you he no longer will see all the bad stuff, he will just see how you represent His perfect son! Are you trusting in Jesus for your salvation - for freedom from the spiral of sin and the desire to be good?

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6-8)

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