Friday, 6 February 2015


Ephesians 4:4-6

There's a lot of repetition of the singular word, 'one' in these verses. 

one - single entity, cannot be divided, whole, complete unit.

The previous section spoke to me about how 'walking worthy' could lead to unity in the church, next this seems to show how we should be unified. In; one body, one Spirirt, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father. 

That's a lot of 'one's'! 

That's a lot of ways in which we should recognise our unity to other believers. 

one body and Spirit means our whole being as a person should be in agreement. Our body and Spirirt should work together in unison to glorify God. Our bodies are important as well as our souls. Do you look after your body? 

one hope - we are all forgiven and have freedom to enjoy a marvellous relationship with the one and only God! Wahoo! 

one Lord - we all agree God is the boss right?
It's not us, our parents, or our employers that should control us, but our Lord. He is the one we should be listening to first and foremost.

one faith - through Jesus Christ death and resurrection he wiped away our sins and proved that he was the one and only perfect human to walk this Earth. He is the one in whom we can trust to repair our broken relationship with God. 

one baptism - this act of obedience and commitment to God is common to all of those who believe. When someone is baptised they are baptised through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, therefore we have spiritual unity through baptism.

This is God's promise that He is our one Father. 
He is universe building, creature creating, all encompassing, eternal, powerful, personal, intimate, close, kind, supporting, hand-holding, loving Father. 

He is Father to us all, we are all one family because of Him. He has chosen each and every one of us to be in His family. 
He is the one that works hardest to unify us all, surely we can do our bit to maintain the family unit?

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