Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Reclaim your talents

Eph 4:25 -39

In this section in Ephesians, Paul uses a set of instructions on how God can redeem those qualities we have that have led us to do things that we know aren't great. This encourages me, that God has put good things within us all, (even before we knew He existed) but we may not be using them to the best purpose. Here's what I am talking about:

'put away falsehood' instead, 'speak the truth' 
- some people are great communicators and influencers by nature. Those who people listen to and admire can have great impact. If you have this gift, how are you using it? Is it to deceive, pull the wool over people's eyes, not reveal the whole truth, or to be a man/woman of integrity? Whose word can be trusted and relied on? God gives people the ability to influence, and those that you are learning - where are you leading them to?

 'Be angry and do not sin' 
- it's ok, and natural to feel angry (Jesus even felt anger on occassion), but we shouldn't let the emotion carry us away. If things cause anger inside of you, why is that? Are there things that need to change in your life? Or are there causes that you need to get involved with in some way? Could it be a call to pray, support or get involved in something?

'Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands
- A thief is obviously good with their hands, so they should use the gift of handicraft for a good purpose. There will be a craft or skill that you can turn your hands to. Have a go at doing something different, you have a creative mind and ability see how God can use it.

'Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up' 
- tempting to join in with the crowd isn't it?! Let's see if we can turn situations, and reputations around by build others up. Words are powerful, if you use them to encourage others you will make a positive difference rather than tearing people down. Be wise in how much you say, and how it is said, the phrase, 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me' is a big pile of rubbish, so start using your words to encourage, support, guide and build up those around you and watch what a difference that makes to those people.

To transform the way we use these qualities may hurt, it may be difficult, in fact it probably will be those things at first, but like any good habit, if you do it enough it will become second nature and we will feel different and so will those around us. In doing this we will demostrate the God of goodness in our lives. 
What a picture of God's goodness, when others see how our lives have turned around. The theives become craftsmen, the liars become men and women of truth, the angry become motivated for change, and the gossips become great encouragers. The work will become a better place if we use what God has given us to consider others first, and to put these qualities to work! 

God's original intention got twisted by our flesh and the devil's schemes, so reclaim the talents and qualities you have and use them for His purposes. 

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