Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Today, I did nothing!

Today, I had opportunities to consider how I respond to different situations. I noticed that I have a choice in how I respond. How we respond matters.

Today I have had an opportunity to be cross-cultural, extend grace and grow in patience. Not bad for a day's work  (especially for someone who doesn't actually work!). In fact, I still have a job to do, and part of that is to consider how I relate to others.
It's in the simple matters that it counts as well as in the grand gestures. 

So, what happened today?
Well, nothing of great significance!

I just noticed the choices I had to respond to people. First thing was, I was at the till, no-one else in front of me, so, subconsciously, I was thinking; 'excellent, I'll be out in two minutes'.
This however wasn't the case. Some of the items didn't want to go through the till at the right price. Not just one item but at least two out of the five items I bought. Slightly irritating. This then of course takes time, the cashier didn't know what to do, and after a few attempts called over the supervisor. They then had to void the whole transaction and start over again. Even resorting to mental arithmetic to work out how much I had to pay. Little bit more irritating!

I realised then I had a choice. I could tut, tap my foot, give expressions of annoyance, demand better service, even complain about the poor service or capabilities of the staff. Maybe even wangle a discount.

But, where would that get me? Or them? 

All in all, instead of the two minute service I was expecting, it probably only took another couple of minutes. 
At the end of the day, what impression did I want to leave these people with? In all our dealings we get to leave others with something. Do we leave them feeling better, worse, or just the same? 

So, in this situation, I did nothing. I stayed calm, spoke kindly, even had a laugh with the staff. I did nothing but as I left I was actually thanked for my patience.

But what had I actually done? I was actually just thanked for doing nothing!

The second situation was this, I'd just gone out the front door, and there right in front of our house and right in front of my eyes someone reversed into our car!
So, what do you do? 

In some people's eyes I had every right to rant and rave, jump up and down, shout and swear. 

I didn't. I did nothing.

I again had a chance to think about my response. I waited for the driver to get out, inspected our car which didn't seem to have too much wrong with it (thank God). The guy was incredibly apologetic. I could of called him names, told him he was an idiot, or whatever, but where would that get me? Or him? 

Instead, he apologised. I listened. We swapped details. It took about five minutes out of my day. If I'd responded differently it would of probably taken a bit longer! 

Both of these situations took a total of 10minutes maximum. I know, it is annoying when these things happen, frustrating and at times inconvenient and more time consuming. But, what did it cost me? A bit of extra time perhaps, but not as much as if I'd chosen to get riled up.

The truth is, everyone makes mistakes. If I was the person in these people's situations, I would already feel ashamed, embarrassed and a bit of an idiot. They don't need me to tell them they've made a mistake, or not done something well. 
They may of made mistakes, but then so have I. 
I know I have accidentally reversed into someone's car and I felt like a prize fool! Embarrassed and regretful for what I'd done. That person was gracious. I still remember how kind and honest they were with me and I tried to be the same. Hopefully I succeeded.

In reality, I did nothing, In fact, these episodes can probably be summarised by what I HADN'T done! 

I ignored the response that often so easily comes, and dealt with the person as I would like to be treated in that same situation. 

Afterwards I was reminded of this:

'Treat others as you want to be treated' 
Luke 6:31

Hopefully I managed this today. 
There were no grand gestures, just small everyday decisions. Next time you're faced with a situation where things might not be going your way, and in fact may get in the way of your day, consider how you'd like someone else to respond and see how things go as a result, maybe you'll notice a difference and maybe you'll feel different. 

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