1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
This set of verses have confused me somewhat for years. I've read them a few times and never paid much attention because I couldn't make head nor tail of them. So today, I'm on a journey of investigation. What do these verses mean? Feel free to read on and take the journey with me, hopefully it won't leave you more confused!
'In the beginning was the Word'.
This section of scripture refers back to Genesis and the creation of all things. What was there? 'The Word'. The word, the pronunciation of thought, idea, feelings. The outpouring of the heart and mind. The verbal expression of something that needs communication.
'the Word was with God'. So, the word must be a living being. In order for it to be 'with' God. You wouldn't say, "I was with the bus" or "the lamppost was with me". We may say though, "I was with an elephant" of " my Grandmother was with me". You cannot be 'with' something unless it's a living thing, so 'the Word' is a living being. It exists, has life and breath and can be in companionship (if you're with something then you have some kind of relationship). The fact that, 'the Word was with God' indicates that the 'Word' and 'God' are separate entities. They are close in relationship, but they are distinct in themselves. If the Word was the same being as God, it could not be 'with' him. I cannot be with myself.
Also, each time 'the Word' is mentioned, 'Word' has a capital letter. This indicates that it is a proper noun, therefore has to be the name of a person, place or thing. It's clearly not a place or thing (object) as you wouldn't be 'with' those things. Therefore the logical conclusion is that, 'the Word' is indeed a person. A person connected closely with God.
Then, who is this person?
'the Word was God'. Haven't we just ascertained that the Word is not in fact the same being as God? but here it is saying that the Word IS God. Now that's just confusing! How can something not be something, but then be it at the same time? I wonder if it's a bit like our families? I am a part of my mother and father, but I am not them. I am, in some respects as I have their DNA, but physically I am a different entity. I am a unique being in my own right, although I bear characteristics of my parents.
'He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.'
'He' - the Word is a male then, and he was present at the start of the universe. In fact, it was God's spoken word that brought things into being. If we look at the account in Genesis, again and again it pronounces, 'God said'. The spoken word is what created the heavens and the earth. It is what brought sun, planets, trees, all of nature and you and I into being. What God spoke, happened. The Word has power and authority from God, because it comes from God. It has a purpose, a job to fulfill. It carries the message God has given. The Word is the message from God for the world.
So, in conclusion. The Word is in close proximity with God, in relationship with Him, it is a living being. The word has been around since the beginning of time and created all the things we see (and don't see). The Word is not God, but is at the same time. The Word carries a message from God. So, do you see what the Word is?
There is only one that it can be. The one who since the creation of the world has been carrying God's message, The Word then, is Jesus.
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