In our locality alone there are many that have; visited, been helped, been part of an event, friends who are a part of it. The church is known amongst the people, hopefully for more positive reasons than negative ones.
This is good and right, how it should be. The church should be an integrated part of society. It should be known so that Jesus can be known through it. The church should be known for the positive impact it has on society.
This is what happened throughout the book of Acts. The church had, 'favour with all the people'. It was known for following Jesus teaching, praising God, meeting together, eating together, sharing and caring for each other, providing for those in need, praying, miracles and being glad and generous.
Now, that list doesn't have a lot of religious duties tied up in it. Interesting huh?
The church is known and has favour because of how the people within it relate to one another. The church is not a place or a building, but it's a bunch of people. These people are out and about living and working in a town near you! They are a group of people who aim to put God first in what they do.
This is how the church influences. By genuine relationship with God demonstrated through relationships within the church and overflowing to those in society.
People's experience of what the church stands for is by looking at those who are a part of it.
> if you are part of a church - what are you demonstrating of your faith, and of the church to the community?
> if you're not part of a church - what does the church in your vicinity demonstrate to you?
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