Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Sharing the house

All of us, all around the world, from every background, religion and language can become members of God's house. We can be part of his family because of Jesus. Jesus broke down the segregation that had previously existed between God's people, the Jews, and the rest of the world, the Gentiles. We can belong to God's kingdom.

Ephesians 2:19
'you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God'

Before Jesus came, those of us who weren't Jews were, 'strangers and aliens' to God. We were not a part of Israel, so we couldn't join in their festivities, couldn't go to their temple and didn't know about their God.
We were outsiders, strangers and aliens'. The Jews were God's chosen people, they were selected to stand out, set apart from the rest of the world.

It must of been kind of weird when all that changed.
The Jews had to suddenly accept everyone else, and the rest of the world could join with them to worship their God. That's really different and really weird, and to top it off the rest of the world that had been invited in didn't have to comply with all the religious rituals the Jews had been keeping all those years. That must of been quite difficult to accept.

Why was there this sudden change? Because of Jesus!

Jesus connected all people with God. He came to the, 'strangers and aliens'. He called them to become part of God's people, and invited them to be, 'fellow citizens'.

What a difference! From being separate, isolated and misunderstood we can belong.
That's the truth of what Jesus has done. He has made what is not fit for God's kingdom cleaned up and purposeful. He has allowed the outsiders to become, 'fellow citizens'. Those that; belong, have purpose, and have an investment in the kingdom of God.

Then, we are not JUST citizens but we are, 'members of the household of God'. That's pretty special!
We are in the same house as God! We get to share all that he has in his house. Wow!
We have the privilege to hang out with God, to eat with him, relax with Him, and we have access to all that is His!

What can possibly stop us now?!

I think we sometimes forget who we are, we can get lost in all that the world says we are or are not.  In the hustle and bustle of life we can get swept along.
Instead, today, look at what you really are. You are NOT a, 'stranger and alien', you are not hidden in the crowds, a mismatch in the world. You, in fact are, 'fellow citizens' and, 'members of the household of God'!


  1. Amen Natalie! We are so undeservedly priveleged to have been created, turned from God yet for Him to pay our ransom to return!

  2. Such a powerful and beautiful message from a fellow beautiful soul...I feel filled with love and warmth after reading this and I am happy and excited to be sharing the household of God with you and the world too, Natailie! :) <3 xxx
