Saturday, 20 April 2019

Guard your steps

Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.
Ecclesiastes 5:1.

Consider this verse and what it means - ‘Guard your steps…’ to me it seems to be asking; What is your posture as you go to meet with fellow believers?
Not just your physical posture, but the state of your heart and mind. If we guard our steps, we consider them, we protect their journey and think about the purpose of them. Guarding our steps is different to being on autopilot where you have just got into a routine. We can treat meeting with other believers like that can’t we?! Just a routine thing that we do, just like brushing our teeth almost. It can be that attending church, home group or prayer meetings becomes routine.
I am not sure that when I meet with other believers I do it with a recognition of the reverence and holiness of God that this ‘guarding our steps’ implies. This phrase shows me that we should; plan, protect and prepare ourselves before we gather together, we should be mindful of where we are and what we are doing.
 Why do you go to these meetings? Is it with an awe and reverence for God? Is it to catch up with friends? feel good about yourself? Is it merely routine? Or did you go with a recognition that you are getting together with others who believe and trust in the almighty God, just as you are?
I doubt many, if we are really honest with ourselves truly consider the last option each time we meet. I know that I have sometimes gone to church distracted thinking; I must talk to this person, tick this job off the list, make sure I am there to work on whatever team I’m on this week. These things are part of life, and saving and looking out for one another are good. But we should also recall our purpose for meeting together in the first place, When we meet, God is with us. We shouldn’t take this for granted.
Having an awareness of whose presence we are coming towards should inspire us. It is a privilege to meet together and honour God and to be in His presence. We should be purposeful as we enter the place where we give him glory and approach Him.

I am sure if we had an invitation to meet a king or queen, we would be rather excited, nervous and we would most certainly prepare ourselves! Well, as we enter the presence of God we are entering the presence of the King of Kings! One far more fearful and powerful than the latest reigning monarch. As we come together, worship, pray, learn, teach and inspire each other we also enter the presence of the Highest King.

So, this week, or the next time you meet with others who believe try to consider these things, guard your steps and make sure the posture of your heart is ready to receive it’s King!

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