Thursday, 2 May 2019

Whatever has come to be has already been named

'10Whatever has come to be has already been named, and it is known what man is, and that he is not able to dispute with one stronger than he.' 
 Ecclesiastes 6:10.

Whatever has come to be has already been named,’ - Whatever has happened in your life has already happened to someone else - Did you know that?

You may think your circumstances are unique, difficult, different, yet others have previously experienced the same as you.
Hopefully this gives you comfort, encouragement and relief. Whatever you are going through, there’s someone around who can appreciate your circumstances, or there’s someone that’s been in the same position before. That’s what Solomon is saying here, he has also stated previously that, ‘there is nothing new under the sun’ (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
People in the past, present and future will have the same experiences as you, and they will probably have similar reactions and emotional responses as you.

If this is true though, why do we feel so alone? 

That’s a common response. Any time of trial can cause us to feel like we are; inadequate, weird, different and that no-one can possibly understand or appreciate our unique situation. Yet, the Bible here clearly says that whatever has happened has happened before and will happen again. So why do we feel so closed off and isolated? So different and distraught?

Well, it’s probably because our old enemy, the devil, likes us to think that no-one will understand us. He whispers to us that we are different, alone and odd. We hear these whispered lies in our minds that no-one can relate to us, that there is no point in talking about how we feel or what is going on because there’s something wrong or different with us that no-one will understand or be interested in. We can end up feeling that we are weird, unloved and alone.

I know that you probably feel like that at times because I have too.

I have believed these lies that I am different, weird, unwanted. I have kept my own thoughts and feelings private for many years. I have been convinced that I am weird and that my situation is different to anyone else so no-one could understand me or would want to even try.
Believing these thoughts kept my mouth shut, and kept the pain in. I ended up believing the worst things that rattled around my head, and no-one else knew. I can put on a good act, pretend it’s all ok, even laugh and participate in different things even though my own mind was eating up all my worth, my joy and peace. I am sure you can do this too.
If you don’t tell anyone your thoughts, no-one else knows about the battles in your mind. On the outside you may seem ok, yet there can be battles raging inside of you, wrestling with your worth, joy and peace as well.

I implore you - don’t wrestle alone.
Don’t let the devil win.
He whispers lies into your mind to keep you apart from others. He wants you to feel isolated, depressed and worthless. Today, wake up and realise there is hope. There is no insignificant thought or feeling, if it’s bugging you then it’s important, and you are loved and valued by others who will honour the opportunity to speak into your life.
We all, at some part of our lives encounter what we would consider an awful or embarrassing problem, or maybe its even the way we react to circumstances that even we think is a bit odd - don’t worry, you’re not so unique, its already been experienced by someone else. Other people have been where you are, and can relate to whatever it is you’re struggling with, that’s what this verse tell us, ‘Whatever has come to be has already been named’.

If you don’t know what to do - Pray. Pray about your struggles and about who to talk to. Then, be brave and approach them. You may be surprised by their reaction - they might just be able to relate to your circumstances, or at least empathise with your emotions. I have experienced this when I was really struggling with something. I prayed, and one particular friend came into mind. I had to overcome the fear of speaking out how I was feeling and allow my friend to speak truth and dispel the myth that I was so different and weird! It gave me great relief and comfort to be realise I was not alone in my internal struggles, I had someone I could trust. It immediately dispelled the lies that the enemy was speaking to me - I was not alone or weird, I was not different and I didn't have to fight a lonely fight any longer. The amazing thing was that although my situation didn't change by talking it through, the enemy couldn't continue to whisper these lies to me anymore because I had discovered that I was not alone, I was able to be understood and that released my mind to be able to deal with what was going on.
Do you need that kind of freedom too?
If you need some lies dispelled, are struggling, feel isolated or depressed - be brave and tell somebody. Not just anybody, but ask God for inspiration of who to speak to, then be brave and speak. This could be the start of a new phase of freedom for your life.


  1. Hello Natalie. I am a Passtor from Mumbai, india. I AM GLAD to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also blessed and feel privileged and honoured to get connected with you as well as know you and about your interest in the Kingdom of God and His Word.It was very encouaging to go through your blog post and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 39 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poroest of pooor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you come to Mumbai to work with us during your vacation time I am sure you will have a life changing experience. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friends. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede.

  2. well done Natalie. I was feeling exactly like this tonight and your words really helped me. Teresa x

  3. Awesome incredible truths spoken right there Natalie. Bless you xx

  4. I also have been inspired O speak out more often by this post. Thank you Natalie x

  5. Thank you all for the great encouragements - God bless you all.
