Thursday, 27 June 2019

Who is like the wise?

Who is like the wise? 
And who knows the interpretation of a thing? 
A man’s wisdom makes his face shine, 
and the hardness of his face is changed. 
Ecclesiastes 8:1.

Who is like the wise? 

Being wise is more than being intelligent, it’s the application of things learnt and experienced, the ability to see the long-term consequences. In this world there are many intelligent people, but are there many who are wise?

I don’t believe I have met many wise people, I have met a few, but I am sure we would all benefit from there being more wise people around, why aren't there many? In reality wisdom is not something that we are encouraged to pursue; intelligence or knowledge, yes, but wisdom? Fame, riches, understanding, better living conditions, promotion - these things we pursue, but wisdom?
Why don’t many pursue wisdom?

What would you think if someone said to you today that what they wanted from life was to be wise? You would probably think it a bit odd, but admirable, it is not something I have ever heard someone say they seek.
When Solomon was asked by God for whatever he wanted, Solomon said he wanted wisdom (2 Chronicles 1:7-12). He could of had absolutely anything, yet he asked for wisdom. As a result of this humble response, God gave him much more - he gave him wisdom, as well as; possessions, riches and honour. Solomon desired wisdom in order to do his job well. It was not a selfish ambition, but a yearning to be good at what he had to do for the benefit of others. Interesting. Solomon sought after something that others rarely do, and he ended up with what others usually seek!

What would you ask God for if you were in the same position as Solomon?

If we are honest with ourselves, I doubt that many of us would ask to be wise. Yet, wouldn’t wisdom help us most?; in our struggles? breakthroughs? relationships? Achievements?

So why don’t we ask for it? I think we are too short-term minded. We look at our immediate situation and see what would help us now. Instead of seeking the qualities of character that can be developed in difficulty, we seek escape and resolution as quick as possible. We like a quick fix, not a long-drawn out solution that could take days, weeks, months or even years! Whereas wisdom will wait.
Those who are wise gain it through knowledge and experience. Wisdom takes time to become manifest, it is developed through trial and success and takes years to mature. Those who are wise are usually those who take the time to understand. They consider, wait patiently, contemplate their responsibility and accept it when they realise they have reached their limits. They are willing to involve others and acknowledge that they are not always in control. A wise person understands when the gifts, time, resources and capabilities they have are not enough. They are able to defer to others with greater capacity and can acknowledge their weaknesses as well as their strengths. Being wise is not having all the answers, or knowing an encyclopaedic amount of facts but, wisdom is realising we have limits. Wisdom is accepting this and still being able to hold your head high.

Maybe wisdom is recognising that we in ourselves are not the all powerful beings that we have come to believe we are, or the world expects us to be. The wise accept that they cannot be responsible for or in control of everything. They consider different solutions and ponder a better way. The wise do not solely depend on themselves or even others for the solutions of life. Those who are wise acknowledge their capabilities and limitations and humbly accept that they are not all-powerful and wholly responsible for the outcomes in life. They also see that their identity is not effected by success or disappointment, they are content with who they are and are willing for their character to be refined. The wise are not stalwarts, they realise that things need to change, and that can even mean themselves. They also know that they themselves will sometimes fail, and so they do not depend on their own wisdom too much.
Maybe the wise are such because they acknowledge their limitations (which is not a weakness). They realise that there are more knowledgeable and powerful beings around. Maybe the beginning to becoming wise is depending upon someone who has no limitations, and who has greater capacity and character than any of us. Could it be that the birth of wisdom originates in dependence on God? 

Maybe this is why, ‘A man’s wisdom makes his face shine’. A shining face, to me denotes a peaceful acceptance of life and circumstance, and an acknowledgement that they are not responsible for all the outcomes. A wise person knows that they are not the ultimate authority, that they must trust less in themselves and more in God. Worries, sadness, misunderstanding, they all cause us to exhibit a dull expression, yet a person who experiences contentment, joy and peace in their own capabilities can know rest and enjoyment in life and so their face shines. These are the fruits of being wise as they do not have to rely on their own understanding or strive to make situations better because they know they are not ultimately responsible. The freedom from these concerns would rightly lift the worry from their face and cause them to shine so that, ‘the hardness of his face is changed’. A wise person lacks hardness, they are gracious and accepting, they can appreciate others and their situations, and have learned not to judge others. They know the mistakes they themselves have made and know the fulness of God's forgiveness. A wise person is not perfect, in fact, as was said earlier, they acknowledge their own weaknesses. They have a fair balance and assessment of themselves. They consider their own lives and make every effort to live right.

A wise person is one who’s advice you should seek. They may not give you the answers you expect or you want them to, but they know how to speak truth into others’ lives. They can be trusted to accept you as you are, and see the long-term aim of your short-term problem. If you follow wise counsel you will benefit from it. It may be hard to follow, but the wise have the ability to see how your momentary trouble may lead you into greater things. So, if you are struggling with anything, if it is a part of your character that you don't like, a situation you do not understand or do not know how to handle, then seek out someone whom you consider wise. Let their knowledge and experience do you good. For, Who is like the wise?

If you wish to be a man or woman of wisdom, then:
- seek out the wise around you
- realise that wisdom will wait
- assess your character - does it need refining?
- accept your limitations and strengths
- depend not on yourself but on God

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