Ecclesiastes 7:16–18.
‘Be not overly righteous’ - is that possible? Can we be TOO righteous? Can we be too justified?
‘Too wise’ how can anyone be too wise? does anyone know too much? Is anyone too clever?
How about ‘overly wicked’? We all probably agree that being wicked on any scale is not good, so why do we have here that we can be TOO wicked?
These verses can seem a bit odd, they seem to be saying that to be extreme in any quality, good or bad, is a bit over-the-top, and can 'destroy us', even the qualities think we should have.
I think Solomon is trying to warn us either not to become too focussed on these qualities or not to over-exaggerate them.
If we become too focussed on any one part of our life we lose focus on who we are, who God is and what we are built for, even if our focus seems to be something worthy and desirable like righteousness or wisdom. We can become absorbed in the pursuit and so become negligent of other areas of our lives. To be constantly striving after anything can be detrimental to our health and cause distance between us and others. It doesn’t do our mind, body or spirit any good to be striving after our passions whatever they may be, even if the intention is good.
I wonder if Solomon is showing through these verses that the passionate drive for wisdom and righteousness is just as destructive as the passionate drive for wickedness and foolishness. Maybe Solomon is trying to show us that the drive for even good things can, ‘destroy yourself’.
There is nothing wrong in wisdom or seeking righteousness, but are these things a constant pressure and worry on your mind? Do you feel good enough just as you are? You do not need to work hard to be made right with God nor to be acceptable to those around you. You are in enough in who you are. You don’t need to strive to be different or to be more than you are.
The other aspect of these verses concerns exaggeration. about not pretending to be more than you are. Just as we concluded the previous paragraph - you are enough in who you are, who you naturally are. Don’t exaggerate your personality or your experiences, don’t overdo who you portray yourself to be.
Why not? Because one day you will be found out. One day your wisdom will fail you, or you’ll err and you’ll be found to be not-so-righteous. Solomon also invites us not to be, 'overly wicked', we still sometimes do bad things, we can act in wicked ways, even as christians. Solomon has seen that this can end with 'destroying yourself'. We know the areas we each struggle in, and it is ok to make mistakes, but are you constantly getting yourself into the same trouble? If so then you need to exercise self-control and ask God for help to overcome the issue. Also, we dot need to play on our weaknesses. we don't have to pretend that we are worse than we are. we may think this helps others relate to us, but, if we confess to be christians, then we should be able to handle 'wickedness' differently. Then we come down to foolishness, the last of the qualities mentioned. How can we be foolish? Foolishness, being silly, not considering the effects of our actions, these things can be fools as well as just being a joker and playing about. Foolishness is not about having fun, of course life should be fun, but if your fun is at the expense of others then it is foolish.
Solomon tells us not to be 'overly' any of these things. Don’t play up or down your wickedness, foolishness, wisdom or righteousness. you don't need to show off who you are or even who God is. If you do, one day it will backfire. People see through the hype, the exaggeration and realise the truth. Don't be fake, be a person of integrity.
You don’t need to play up to the person people expect you to be or whom you think you should be. You don’t need to pretend or strive to be; more wise, foolish, righteous or wicked than you already are. Just live your life as it is. This will demonstrate the fruit of what God has done more than any hype or exaggeration can, you do not need to put on an act, it's hardwork.
If you are natural and accepting of your own levels of righteousness, wisdom, foolishness and wickedness then you have integrity and people will respect you for who you are and they will probably see you as a regular human being, just like themselves - what better way to demonstrate God's great love for them? If God loves and accepts you just as you are, then surely there's hope that He will love and accept them too?!
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