Thursday, 11 July 2019

The little things

I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun. 
Ecclesiastes 8:15.

Find reasons to be cheerful.

This seems to be the essence of what Solomon is saying here. It is the everyday things, the basic things, the necessities, the things that most of us take for granted, that we  should take note of and enjoy. Yet how much do we take notice of the simple things? let alone take time to enjoy them?

We should, ‘eat drink and be joyful’. I eat and drink during the day, but I don’t even really think about it. I take for granted that once I’ve finished this drink, I can get another, and it’ll probably taste the same, just like food, it’s tasty, and fuels my body, but I don’t really think about it too much. Maybe I should start to.  With many of us living a hectic lifestyle, enjoyment and appreciation of the basic things of life seem to pale into insignificance compared to the latest work project, the next obstacle or achievement we are faced with.

We can get so consumed by the big things of life; the successes, disappointments and struggles that we can miss something of the beauty of the small things. However, they are no less powerful and important than the next big thing in our life. In fact, the small things are probably most important - you certainly notice it when you don’t eat or drink for a while! So, why are we so consumed with other things? Why do we give them  more time and energy than the things that we actually need? The necessities of life can be overlooked so easily, it is hard to enjoy them as Solomon recommends we do.

Yet, If we appreciated and accounted for all the basic things we have, how can we cease to be grateful and joyful?!
In fact, if we counted up all our basic needs that are met each and everyday they would all mount up to a significant mountain! If we consider all the little blessings in our lives, how could we fail to see the joy and blessing in our lives?

If anyone reading this is feeling down and despondent, I can understand that the struggles of life can weigh you down, things can get on top of you and you can feel alone and distraught, so, instead of focussing on whatever it is that is causing you to feel defeated, I encourage you not to lose sight of the small things. Consider all the basic things in your life that you have, the little things to be grateful for. The beauty of a flower, the refreshment of a good cuppa, your favourite pair of shoes, whatever it is that makes you smile, think about these things. When you do this, you will see that, in fact, you have a the mountain of blessings that far outweigh your biggest problem. We all have many basic things to be happy about and when you see life in this light, you can start tackling your problem in a new way.

‘eat and drink and be joyful’ 
Could this be the wisdom of Solomon? To enjoy the things we have, to be content, have gratitude and to rely not our own selves but on God?

Another translation of this verse is;  ’I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives them under the sun.’ (New Living Translation).

Today, count your blessings, consider the little gifts of joy God has given you.

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