Thursday, 1 August 2019

Forgotten Wisdom

'13*I have also seen this example of wisdom under the sun, and it seemed great to me. *14*There was a little city with few men in it, and a great king came against it and besieged it, building great siegeworks against it. *15*But there was found in it a poor, wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city. Yet no one remembered that poor man. *16*But I say that wisdom is better than might, though the poor man’s wisdom is despised and his words are not heard. 
*17*The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools. *18*Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good.' 
Ecclesiastes 9:13–18.

The verses above show that times have not changed.
Those who are strong and virile are upheld, honoured and celebrated, yet the poor and wise are overlooked, forgotten and ignored. This was true in Solomon’s time, Jesus’ time and is still true in our time. The world and humanity have not changed; we still celebrate strength, might, power, renown and wealth - we even have competitions and wars to prove who are the strongest. The poor, intelligent, weak, unknown and wise are all too easily forgotten. The strongest and fastest are commemorated and given great honour, yet the minds involved in incredible ground-breaking discoveries are often forgotten.

We can all probably name the fastest or strongest men of our time, yet how about the name of the person who has made a significant scientific breakthrough or incredible discovery? Who is the world’s most inspiring engineer? The wisest man or woman on Earth? I’m not sure many of us could name any - No-one remembers the poor wise man.

Don’t get me wrong, we do acknowledge some levels of wisdom - we can all name some of the most famous scientists of all time; how about Einstein or Newton? But they are only really remembered because we still use their formulas and theories. We can now recognise the great value of the wisdom they had. At the time they lived, the impact of what they knew was limited. Einstein, even though he was a Nobel prize winner, an acclaimed scientist, had an audience with government officials - we could consider that he was not forgotten, after all most people have heard of him, we can believe that he is remembered and revered - but did you know he warned US government of the danger of developing nuclear weapons? Yet did the countries listen to this wise man’s advice? Even though the wisdom of Einstein was acclaimed, valued and respected, like in the story Solomon relays, the words of the wise man fall on deaf ears, ‘the poor man’s wisdom is despised and his words are not heard.’ No-one seems  to of listened to Einstein. For we all know the terror of the use of nuclear weapons - the effects are still felt, yet one wise  man’s advice could of saved a city, even a nation from the havoc, chaos and horror of nuclear weapons. However, the advice of the wise is not heeded.

Consider the difference listening to Einstein would have made to the lives of many. This one poor wise man had stood up and made a recommendation to the rulers of the time to warn and stay away from the fatal effects of this power, yet no one listened. It is sad, isn’t it?
We can look back and see the folly of nations, and of humanity because they have failed to heed the small voice of wisdom that with great foresight and bravery has been spoken, yet time and again people have failed to listen.

Don’t be someone who fails to listen.

Don’t be like the fools. Don’t detest wisdom. If someone speaks the small voice of wisdom into your life do not despise it, do not turn away from it, even if it is something you do not want to hear, but weigh the words of the poor wise man (or woman). Let the wise speak and be valued in your life, you never know what nuclear disasters you will avoid by taking the road of wisdom.

Then, when you do take the advice of the wise, do not forget where that wisdom came from. Do not be one that forgets, but be one that recommends, honours and upholds the wise. Give them the credit they deserve. Don’t allow the wise In your life be overlooked and forgotten, repay them with your gratitude and honour them.

Don’t be someone who ignores or forgets the wise.

‘But I say that wisdom is better than might, though the poor man’s wisdom is despised and his words are not heard.’

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