What then?
Is God really real?
Is God as real when things don’t go your way as when they do? Can you believe and trust in Him even when the answer to your greater desire is no? Is God still good when the worst happens? Does He still love you or even exist when the answer to pouring your heart out is silence?
These are the very real situations that we all come face-to-face with at some point in our lives. Disappointment, loneliness, grief, debt, illness, failure - these things can all lead us to question the very existence of God. How can God exist or be considered good when there’s suffering in the world? When I’ve asked God for help and He didn’t answer -where was He?
These questions are heart-wrenching responses to the battles of life, in times where we feel confused, alone, overwhelmed and desperate - where is the one who’s meant to love us? Is God really real?
As a believer in God, I am not immune to these questions, to these very real, confusing and desperate emotions that are a result to the circumstances we find ourselves in.
Maybe now you expect me to give you an eloquent answer to all of these confusing questions interlaced with a bit of knowledge and theological input - well, I’m not, and I’m not sure I could if I tried. You and I need to work out our own answers in response to these things, your faith cannot rest on my answers - you need to work out your own and your own standing with Almighty God. I will, however, tell you a few thoughts of my own that keep me going through the terrible times;
1) God is either real or He isn’t - His existence is not dependent on whether today is the best or worst day of my life. I either believe He is real or I don’t, circumstances and feelings are irrelevant to this fact. I may become angry, confused, lack hope, but I cannot alter from the crux of this matter - either God is really real, or He isn’t.
2) Don’t tell my kids - but I don’t know everything! There are things that are out of my realm of understanding, there are circumstances I cannot predict or understand, I also make mistakes. Therefore I cannot tell what will happen long-term, and although I feel bad or sad about things, this does not mean that I ultimately know best and that God has got it wrong. I am fallible, God is not.
3) God is not in it for instant gratification like we are. God sees the long game, He knows the beginning from the end, and whatever is going on will bring about good for His people.
We do not like discomfort or suffering, yet God can see the effect of this and that it is actually for our benefit and for those around us too in the long-run.
4) God is good and loving always. I try to think of it like this; as a parent, I have to disappoint my kids sometimes, I have to say no, I have to limit them in some capacity - why? Well, sometimes they need to learn, they need to wait, they need to understand and grow, they need to develop relationships, forgive people, be patient, be aware of risk and probably a million other things! They need to learn to be responsible so that they become adults, not remain children. Therefore there are boundaries, and at times I will limit them, they will also have to navigate situations they don’t want to because I know that they are learning something in the process.
Now, God is a greater parent than I ever will be, so His reasons for our discomfort are greater than ours for our children. He wants us to learn, He does not want us to remain with a childish faith, but wants us to grow up, He wants us to realise who we are and who those around us are, this means we will have to navigate situations we don’t want to because we need to grow up!
5) God is God of the impossible.
We can easily miss what God is doing when we focus on our own emotions. In times of persecution I see the christians in the Bible praising God and even thanking Him for what He is doing in their lives. We have forgotten this lost treasure. We forget God’s bigness when we allow the bigness or our situations to override who He is. We can end up relying on our own capabilities, skills and resources instead of remembering who God is.
God is God of the impossible - He can answer 101 questions at the same time, He can turn around situations, He can bring rest and relief, He can resolve issues, He can breakthrough, He can wait, He can be silent, He can led you, and He can allow you to make your own decisions. He is Love, He is good. He never fails.
So, can you fail to trust Him?
Is God really real to you?
Such words of life Natalie, what a treasure you are. Teresa X