Thursday, 20 February 2020

how shall we escape?

Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard,  lest we drift away from it. *2*For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, 3 *how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?* * It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard, *4*while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will. 

Hebrews 2:1–4

Bearing in mind all we have read before, all we have discovered about Jesus, all we have be shown by angels and God, all that is written in the Old Testament and all that prophets have muttered, bearing all that in mind, surely we should, ‘pay much closer attention’ To what? You may ask -
Based on the evidence, we should focus our attention and not neglect the great salvation given to us.
That is what this author is showing us. If God has put so much effort into making Jesus known, since the beginning of time, then surely he is someone worth knowing about and the key message that he brings is the revelation of salvation.

Since the beginning of time it has been made clear -  considering the angels proclamations, prophets messages, disciples experiences, sacred writings, and God’s owns declarations  - who Jesus is.
Each individual source is reliable and trustworthy in it’s own right, so how about all of these accounts put together?! It is an undeniable truth that Jesus lived, that He is God and that he died then three days later rose again. There are documented accounts, witness reports - These things are established truths. Real experiences reported and evidenced by signs and wonders, testimonies as well as the fulfilment of prophecy and the occasional angelic visitation.
How then can we not believe?!
Sources that collaborate over centuries have all led to the same conclusion, different people, different eras - one message - Jesus is the son of God who brings salvation.

You have no excuse to not recognise the truth of who Jesus is. So, what are you doing about it?

We can be in danger, as the writer points out, of neglecting such a great salvation. We become accustomed with the privilege of salvation, take it for granted, so much so that it doesn’t really have an impact on our everyday lives. This great and marvellous privilege that has taken centuries to fulfil has lost the gravity of importance in our lives.

Are you complacent about the reality of your salvation?
Do you need reminding again of the significance of all Jesus is and all he did in order for the life you have?
Are you living aware of your salvation or do you keep it tucked away from others so much so that even you are not even sure about it’s influence?

This great salvation was bought at a hefty price. One that none of us would be able or willing to pay, but Jesus did.  This great salvation means that we no longer have to be enslaved to sin or fear, this salvation means that we can know an eternal relationship, discover our true identity and have security for our future was well as help and comfort in our present. It means we can walk tall, knowing we are loved and forgiven, wanted and never alone. This great salvation has even greater purpose than his temporal Earth can offer - but are you neglecting it?

We can get blinded and distracted but all the Earth offers - the people in it, the weather, the work that is required, and the problems we see in it. Life can and does get in the way of our faith, but shouldn’t it be the other way around?!

We will have no excuses available on that great and powerful day when we meet Jesus face to face - what will you or I be able to say then?

 ‘how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?

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