From the previous verses we have established the superiority of Christ. He is the creator of all things, powerful and majestic, the ‘exact imprint’ of God, worshipped by angels. After we have established these facts, we now encounter the everlasting nature of Jesus;
“You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning,
and the heavens are the work of your hands;
*11* they will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment,
*12* like a robe you will roll them up,
like a garment they will be changed.
But you are the same,
and your years will have no end.”
Hebrews 1:10–12.
What do you notice as you read the verses above?
Does reading this give you comfort or make you a little scared?
Both reactions are understandable as there are two guarantees in these verses - that the world will end and Jesus will outlast it.
Be honest with yourself - which do you notice first?
Considering your response to these promises shows something about your natural mindset. If you see the world ending as a predominant theme then you are probably someone who is quite aware of life’s risks, concerns and disappointments. This awareness can correspond to feeling fearful and worried about the future.
Take comfort in the verses that follow. If you have faith in God, if you know Jesus is the one who; made, sustains and finishes it all, then surely strength and hope will follow.
Jesus is in charge. He always has been, he currently is, and he always will be. Concentrating on this and the truth of who Jesus is builds trust in him for our lives now as well as for the future. Jesus is clearly shown as being everlasting in these verses. So, for us, if we are tempted to despair at the thought of the world ending, considering Jesus and his part in it all must surely bring hope. Focussing on the eternal God rather than the temporal Earth will inspire and breed confidence in not whet we can; see, hear and touch, but in the one who made all of these physical things.
We have been indoctrinated from birth to believe in the validity and security of this world. To trust in all that is around us that we can acknowledge with our senses. But all of these things we can experience are created entities. They are all part of the world, and as lovely and string as they are, they all have a beginning and an end. The things we have trust in are temporal things that are going to perish. The world that we walk upon, that we trust to be there as we wake up each day will cease to exist, all that we know, see and understand will one day be gone. What will we have to believe in then? What will be left?
These verses cause me to question the strength of my own faith. They challenge me to consider the strength of my trust in God. Is my faith in God greater than my trust in the world around me? It is hard to judge, we are so used to worldly things, we are accustomed and expectant that everything we see and know will still be present tomorrow, but what if it’s not?
What if the reality of the world isn’t as real and assured as we have been indoctrinated, from a young age, to believe?
This ‘real’ world is destined for destruction, why should we trust it? If the ‘real’ world is so fragile and temporal, why do we waste time and effort trusting in it’s solidity? If it’s strength and solidity are transient, why should we trust in all that it offers?
This world is going die, it is clear, we can see it in the news, look out our windows and see the decline, yet we still hold onto it. Yet, isn’t it like clinging onto a sinking ship? If we hold onto something that is perishing - what hope is there for us?
What worldly practices or assurances are you holding onto? Do you have the confidence and faith to hand them over? Do you have a faith and trust in Jesus that is greater than all you know and experience?
Are you trusting more in this world than in the promises of the eternal one?
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