Thursday, 28 May 2020


'In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. *8*Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. *9*And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him'
Hebrews 5:7–9.

I think these verses are a beautiful demonstration of Jesus humanity.

Just look at the experience of Jesus - at times, he became so distressed that he prayed with ‘cries and tears’. He called out to God and petitioned Him for things. Jesus felt his own weakness, distress and trouble. Do you ever feel like that? And feel like there’s nothing else to do but cry to God? Jesus, the very son of God, also felt the same.
He recognised that he needed help, and that there were parts to human life he didn’t like, so he called out to God. He cried out to the one he knew could change things, he shed tears in front of God, and even asked for things that his own humanity wanted. Jesus even asked for his situation to change - that he wouldn’t have to be tortured and crucified, he asked to be released from suffering and pain - don’t we all do the same at times? We all want relief not pain. Jesus had the same inclinations. So, he asked God for a way out - he didn’t get it, but he asked. Jesus, even though he poured out his fears and longings to God, he continued to hold God in reverence - he didn’t shake his fist at God and blame Him for his situation, but he requested assistance and demonstrated incredible obedience and faith. Jesus understood that God, ‘was able’ to change the outcome, yet Jesus also submitted to whatever it was that God wanted even when it was different to his own desires.

Jesus remained obedient. Even when his desires were not fulfilled, even when he knew he couldn’t escape the pain that was coming, he still did what he knew was right and what God wanted.
In fact, these verses state, ‘he learned obedience through what he suffered’.
Jesus grow in understanding, knowledge and obedience. Jesus had to learn these things, just like we do. Jesus learnt how to be obedient, and what better way for obedience to be tested than through adversity. It’s easy to be obedient when we are asked to do things we want to do, it’s when we are asked to do things we don’t want to do that our obedience, relationships and loyalty are tested. Jesus experienced the same. He had to learn to be obedient.

Jesus had to learn and grow like we all do. He also
had to suffer pain like we do.
How wonderful that our God has had the same experience of living this human life, he was just like us. He did not escape feeling sad or happy, lonely or crowded, comforted or in pain.
Jesus lived in such a way that demonstrated his humanity, obedience and godliness. The result of all this was that Jesus was, ‘being made perfect’. That could only happen through him learning obedience through suffering.

So, next time you enter a situation of suffering, don’t despair. Know that, like Jesus, this is a time for you to learn obedience and that through the experience you are, ‘being made perfect’.

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