‘Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’
Hebrews 4:16.
Do you have confidence when you approach God?
We are invited into the very throne room of God, and told we can approach the very throne with confidence. Isn't that incredible?
I don’t know how many of you have been to a throne before, or even into a palace (I haven’t), but these places are set aside for royalty. They are grand and demonstrate something of the wealth and importance of the ruler. They are the private residence of the king and queen, places where only the powerful and privileged are invited, and that’s just the palace in general. The throne room is a special place within the palace, a place where even only a few of the privileged enter. It's a place for some serious commands and decisions to take place with the trusted few. Very few people are allowed entry, not many have the permission or are qualified to get a place in the throne room. Yet, here, in Hebrews, we are told we can approach our God the highest King in His throne room in confidence.
It’s serious business to enter the throne room, yet, you’re allowed in. You have a free backstage pass that allows you into the most defining area of the kingdom, and you don’t even have to crawl in or be in fear for your life because you have permission to enter. Not only do you have permission, but your actually invited! You can approach God’s almighty presence as He sits on the throne with your head held high in confidence! WOW!
Doesn’t that amaze you? That you have permission to enter the greatest throne room?
You haven’t done anything to deserve that honour, in fact, you’ve probably done plenty to be kicked out! But, the fact remains that you are free to enter the throne room of God. What a privilege and what a gift!
The only reason you have this honour is because the son of God, Jesus, invites you. When you believe and trust in Jesus, and acknowledge his sacrifice and resurrection, when you repent and give Jesus the leading role in your life, then Jesus vouches for you. He passes onto you the privilege and honour that he enjoys. This is how you can enter the great throne room of God in confidence because Jesus has made the way for you.
So, enjoy your privileged access to the throne room. As you pray, remember that you are connecting with God on His throne.
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