‘the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. *13*And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.’
Hebrews 4:12–13.
The Word of God is ‘living and active’ - what does that mean to you, and does it effect the way you approach the Bible?
The fact is that the very words you read within the Bible are alive. They are the active words of God; The printed out words that we see on a page, or glowing from a screen, are actually alive, they have breath in them. That seems strange, doesn’t it?
The fact that these words are ‘living and active’ shows me that they are; constantly applicable, relevant, able to bring life, change, challenge and a new perspective. These words can; inspire, direct, convict, comfort and grow new life in you. Isn’t that incredibly powerful?!
Not all printed words have life, only the words of scripture do because they are the very words of God himself. God who is living and active right now has given us His living and active revelation throughout the Bible.
What a privilege it is then to be able to hold these words in our hands, to have access to these God-breathed utterances and read them! Do you feel the privilege and weight of what you are accessing when you read God’s words?
These words can actually breathe life into your life, they can bring refreshment, comfort, restoration, conviction. In short, these words can alter your life - and you have free and easy access to this.
I think, really, the Bible should come with a warning. Something like, ‘open at your peril, are you prepared for your life to change?’!
The Bible is a living work. It contains God’s words, which we all know are powerful - I mean, they separated the light from darkness, created the world, speak life and death, bring healing, separate seas, transform minds, I could go on…. And you can find out for yourself many more incredible things God’s word achieves when you read it.
Bearing this in mind - when you are reading your Bible; are you prepared?
Are you prepared to meet Jesus?
To hear from God?
Be convicted by the Holy Spirit?
God’s words have the propensity to change you. They can pierce your heart and mind and interpret your innermost thoughts and intentions, and no matter your excuses - your true nature will be revealed. As you read God’s words, it’s like you are laid bare before Him. Nothing hidden. All of your; bumps, bruises, wounds, pain, comfort, passions, lies, responsibilities, strengths, sins and weaknesses are laid open. Completely exposed.
Does that scare you?
In some ways it should - if you have something you want to hide, then yes, be aware that the living and active word of God will highlight it - He is good at separating light and darkness! But in the most part being exposed before God shouldn’t scare you. God is a loving, nurturing Father. He wants to heal your wounds and diseases, to remove the pain and discomfort, to revel in your passions and your strengths. He wants to be your strength in your weakness, to be with you in the difficulties and reveal truth in your life.
So, next time you take hold of this living word in your hands - take a moment to prepare yourself.
Beware when you open your Bible - there’s no hiding from God when you do, He is ready to talk to you and He’s ready to; transform, challenge, renew, energise and cleanse you - are you prepared for that?
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